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Poe and Y/n were surprised at how easy it was for them to get a ride to the Outer Rim, D'Qar to be more specific. He was a nice man, not the kind of person that you would expect to live on Jakku, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"You don't seem like you're from Jakku, if you don't mind me saying, sir." Y/n said to him boldly while they were flying towards the planet.

"No it's okay, I've just had a lot of action in my life... I wanted to settle." He replied.

"And you though Jakku was the place to do that?" Poe asked, and Y/n elbowed him to be more respectful.

"It was the safest place at the time... but after yesterday, I feel stuck here." He admitted. "So, I make my way through life by doing this."

Sympathy for the man brewed in the two passengers.

"We'll make sure you're paid well, Sir." Y/n said, as they began to land.



"I don't want payment... consider this a favour."

"For what?" Poe asked astonished.

"...Tell the General that Wedge says 'Hello'... she'll know what it means." The man smiled, and the couple looked at him confused, but nodded nonetheless. They thanked him again, and got off of the ship.

They needed to walk through a bit of wooded area before reaching the base, and all the time they were walking, more and more nerves were built up inside Y/n.

What would they think of her?

Would her Mother be happy to see her?

Will they let her stay?

Did they blame her for Poe's disappearance?

"Hey." Poe snapped her out of her thoughts "Stop thinking so loud."

"...What do you think they'll make of me?" She asked timidly.

"I don't care what they think of you... you basically saved my life back on Jakku. If they turn someone away for doing that, they're gonna have to talk to me about it." He said playfully serious, and it made Y/n smile slightly "Give me your hand."

She looked to him in shock...

"What... I'm not asking you to marry me." He smiled, both of them remembering those exact words he said back in the TIE-Fighter.

Y/n playfully glared at him, and slipped her hand into his. It was warm and comforting. He took the lead and they made it through the clearing...

The atmosphere was immense. People in orange and white were running around, talking to droids, getting inside ships. It was amazing to look at. These were the people that gave hope to people in times of war.

"Poe! He's alive!" Someone cried, and a blonde woman came running over to them, some other people rushing to get someone from the medical centre to take them "We're so glad you're alive!"

"I know, Connix, but we need to find the general, its urgent." Poe explained calmly. The woman nodded, but then glanced at Y/n,


"Connix. Just find the general." Poe said again, and the woman rushed off to find her.

"Wait, I don't know if I can face her yet, Poe." Y/n took her hand out of his.

"I know you're nervous, but she'll be so happy to see you... I promise."

Y/n could tell by the look in his eyes, that he meant what he said. She nodded, and the two followed the blonde girl, Connix, inside the base.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now