Star Destroyer Run

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Poe guided the ship into hanger twelve of the Star Destroyer, and they looked out to see, thankfully, there were not many Stormtroopers in sight.

Two of them met them at the bottom of the ramp when it was lowered, bu they just got shot. Finn, Rey, Poe and Y/n wall came out and shot the other troopers that were on the border of the hanger.

"You three stay here!" Y/n ordered the droids.

"Happily!" Threepio said.

"Which way?" Poe asked Finn.

"Uh, no idea. Follow me!" Finn ordered.

They all followed Finn through the corridors of the ship, hoping to come across the prison cell of some kind. But at this point, Finn was guessing where to go.

They suddenly bumped into two stormtroopers unexpectedly,

"Drop your weapons!" They said.

"It's okay that we're here." Rey waved her hand in front of the troopers.

"It's okay that you're here." One repeated.

"It's good." The other said.

"You're relieved that we're here." Y/n smiled whilst doing the same as Rey, but just to make herself laugh.

"Thank goodness you're here."

"Welcome guys."

"Did they do that to us?" Poe asked Finn.

"We're looking for a prisoner and his belongings." Rey said to them.

"Oh yeah! He's down the hall, and take two rights." The first one said.

"Then open the door and another to the left of it, and you're there."

They all wasted no time and followed their directions, Y/n silently laughing to herself.

Does it make her a bad Jedi if she liked doing that?

They all got to a door, blasted the cameras, and Finn tried to press the right buttons on the controls to get it open. Rey suddenly got a far-away look in her eye and stared walking in the other direction,

"Rey, come on." Finn urged as he opened the door.

"The dagger's on the ship. We need it." She stated.

"Why?" Poe asked.

"A feeling." She replied "I'll meet you back at the hanger."

"Rey, you can't just-" Finn protested, but Poe and Y/n stopped him.

"Chewie." Poe reminded.


"Rey's intentions are reliable, Finn. We just have to trust her." Y/n reassured, and he eventually started leading the way again.

They found the holding cell, which was surprisingly unguarded. Finn put in a code and the three of them ran inside to get the Wookie. He growled at them while he was in handcuffs,

"Of course we came for you, Chewie!" Poe said while helping him get out of his binds.

He growled again.

"Yeah, Rey's here. She's going to get the dagger." Finn explained as the three of them helped him up.

"Which way back to the ship?" Y/n asked as they came out of the cell.

"The ship's this way, follow me." Finn ordered, and they turned left.

But immediately was shot at by troopers that were coming the same way. Finn quickly blasted the door shut,

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