Almost Gone

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"No..." Y/n muttered out loud. Both boys looked at her in confusion,


It was like her body took over her mind, and everything went in slow motion. Y/n broke into a desperate sprint, her heart racing, ignoring the pain in her left arm and her mind yelling at her that her Mother was in danger.

Finn and Poe were calling her name from behind her as they ran after her, but she barely registered it, she was too busy screaming at Ben in her mind... begging him to spare their only parent left.

Before Y/n could turn the corner, the explosion that she dreaded, rang through the ship. She covered her face as the bright light engulfed the command centre, and when she opened them... there was nothing but the stars, and debris.

Everything was still going in slow motion...

Y/n skidded around the corner, nearly throwing herself against the wall. She went straight for the door, going to open it to save her Mother, but she was yanked back by someone.

Poe held his girlfriend for dear life before she could open the door and jump out to save her, probably just killing them both. Y/n couldn't hear him talking to her, nor could she hear her own voice. But she could tell it would have sounded wet in emotion and raspy.

But when she settled, she could feel her... Leia, reaching out to her.

Poe finally let go of her, and she stalked closer to the door, and looked out the window to see her Mom, floating in space...

"Mom..." Y/n whispered, and out her hand on the glass "I can feel you... come back to me..."

Leia's eyes opened, and she held out her hand to her daughter. The woman slowly floated across the sky, towards the door. Y/n saw her get closer, and closer...

Poe and Finn called out to everyone to get back and get a Med team. As soon as Leia was at the door, Y/n opened it, feeling the cold air of space on her body, and pulled her Mother inside.

She set her on the ground and felt her cold cheek, it was slightly frosty. A medical team quickly put her on a bed, gave her oxygen,

"Life signs are weak, but she's fighting!" The nurses said.

Y/n watched as they wheeled her away, and she couldn't bare to look. She turned into Poe's chest, and he held her closely, whispering reassuring words into her ears.

Everything had just got a whole lot harder...

Everyone gathered in the meeting room, everyone mumbling about what to do. They were being fired at by the First Order, unable to get away. Their General was in critical condition and half of their fleet had been blown up...

Y/n was sat next to Poe, her leg bouncing up and down. Poe put his hand on her thigh, stopping her movements,

"Try to stay positive, sweetheart." He said softly, still seeing the redness in her eyes "We still have hope."

"And what hope is that?" She asked.

"Well, who ever D'Acy decides to take on board as the new General." He said, and Y/n could see in his eyes that he was hoping it would be him. She smiled,

"I would love to think that she's pick you... but after the stunt you pulled-"

"I know... it's probably unlikely." He sighed as Y/n kissed the side of his head "She might pick you."

"I doubt it." She smiled.


"Why would they put a Jedi in power of a Resistance fleet?"

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