The Last Of Them

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"Med pack! I need a med pack!"

Finn. He was alive!

The medical team rushed down to him and Rose, whom he was dragging on a makeshift bed he must have got from the crash.

Y/n ran over to him and embraced him,

"I thought you were dead!" She said.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't do that again!" She raised her voice, shocking him slightly. She hugged him again, confusing him further.

Poe looked over at them, and smirked at Finn's confused face,

"You're lucky you didn't get slapped." He said, and Y/n rolled her eyes.

Poe pulled out his goggles and looked out of the hole in the door, and saw Kylo Ren walk out of his ship towards the Jedi.

"It's Kylo Ren... Luke's facing him alone." He stated.

"Well, we should help him, let's go." Finn said.

"No, wait, wait..." Poe stopped him, and looked through his goggled again.

He saw the town men stop a few metres apart from each other, and both of them ignite their lightsabers.

"He's doing this for a reason... he's stalling so we can escape."

"Escape? He's one man against an army, we have to help him we have to fight." Finn urged.

"No, no. We are the spark that'll light the fire that'll burn the First Order down." Poe said "Skywalker is doing this so we can survive."

He then turned to the Resistance

"There's gotta be a way out of these mines! Hell, how did he get in here?"

"Sir, it is possible that a natural unmapped opening exists." Threepio said trying to be helpful "But this facility is such a maze of endless tunnels that the odds of finding an exits-"

"Shh, shh."



"Hundred and twenty-eight-"

"Shut up!" Poe finally hushed him.

"... to one."


There was silence...

"Oh! My audio sensors no longer detect the-"


"The Crystal Critters... they're gone." Y/n smiled hopefully.

Poe looked down the vast tunnels of the mine, and saw one Crystal Critter down there. It whimpered at him, almost as if it were showing him the way.

"Follow me." He ordered.

Everyone looked to Leia for consent.

"What are you looking at me for? Follow him." She said.

Poe smiled at her, and lead the Resistance down the tunnels.

They were wide enough for all of them to travel through, their torches guiding them through the darkness. They more further they travelled, the more eager they felt to be free.

The Crystal Critter finally got to the end cave...

But it was blocked by boulders too big to move.

The creature slipped through the small crack between the rocks... that's how they've been getting out.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now