Premonitions And Plans

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"Kijimi?" Poe breathed in shock "How?"

"A blast from a Star Destroyer." D'Acy replied, while the man sighed with tears forming in his eyes "A ship from the new Sith fleet. Out of the Unknowns."

"The Emperor sent a ship from Exagol." Commander Kin spoke "Does this mean every ship in the fleet..."

"Has planet-killing weapons... of course they do." Y/n spoke, finishing his sentence "All of them... this is how he finishes it."

"Listen!" Rose said suddenly as a transmission from the radio came through "It's on every frequency..."

Everyone listened to the crackly voice. It was inaudible to say the least, but then Kin started translating,

"'The Resistance is dead. The Sith flame with burn. All surrender or die... The Final Order begins." He finished.

"Leia made you acting General... what now?" Rose asked Poe.

Y/n's mother had made Poe General after she passed... but the man didn't expect it to be so soon, and under such circumstances...

Y/n looked to her boyfriend and saw his emotional face...

"I need to think..." Poe said, and walked away from them all, towards the table that was covering the old General's dead body.

Y/n watched him walk away to her Mother... feeling immense sympathy for him. She then saw him sit down in a chair next to her and put his head in his hands...

"What do we do, Y/n?" Rose asks.

"I don't know..." She replied honestly,

"I just don't know..."

"I gotta tell you, I don't really know how to do this... what you did." Poe said to Leia's deceased body "I'm not ready..."

"Neither were we."

Poe looked behind him to see Lando standing beside him...

"Luke, Han, Leia, me.... who's ever ready?" He asked.

"How'd you do it?" Poe asked standing up "Defeat an Empire with almost nothing?"

"We had each other... that's how we won."

Poe let those words sink in...

He thought about the Resistance had grown in numbers over the year. He knew people wanted to fight, they wanted to fight for what's right. They have everything they needed...

He thought about Finn, Rey, Chewie, BB-8... and of course, Y/n.

He knew that them and so many others would stand by him in a fight... always.

"Thank you, General." Poe nodded.

"No, thank you... General." Lando smiled, and walked back from where he came from.

Poe sighed, feeling his thoughts aline... he couldn't do this alone.

He needed help.

"Hey..." Y/n approached him cautiously from behind. She expected him to turn around and greet her with a pathetic smile... but he was smiling widely.


He kissed her suddenly and passionately, shocking her slightly. But she smiled, as she felt him doing the same against her lips. He pulled away, still not leaving much space between them,

"Be General with me." He said to her, their eyes still closed.

"What?!" Y/n replied in shock as her eyes opened "Me?"

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now