Goddamnit Poe

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The entire ship was on fire. Thank's to Y/n's genius boyfriend.

No, she was not happy with him, but it was done and she can't do anything about the past.

As she was shutting down the controls in the cockpit, she suddenly got a vision in her mind...

A box shaped like a pyramid...

A beeping noise...

Dark green light...

Star Destroyers...

Three people lying on the ground... dead.

Y/n didn't realise she was holding her breath until she released a shaky breath while the vision faded.

She wanted to scream out to the world, what does this mean?!

The smell of smoke shifted her out of her thoughts, remembering that her Dad's ship was still very much on fire.

The ramp was lowered and she ran out of it, seeing many fire crews trying to hose down the ship.

"It's on fire!" Poe said to everyone "Whole things on fire! All of it, on fire."

"Poe, where's Rey?!" Y/n called to him.


There she was.

"Hey." Poe called back to Rey casually.

"There's a spy?" She asked.

"Really could've used your help back there." He said.

"How'd it go?"

"Really bad, actually. Really bad."

"Han's ship-"

"What'd you do to the droid?" Poe asked. It was only then Y/n saw BB-8 was damaged, one of his orange rings had been busted out of him.

"What did you do to the Falcon?" She countered.

"The Falcon is in a lot better shape than he is!"

"BB-8's not on fire-"

"What's left of him isn't on fire!" Poe protested.

"Tell me what happened!" Rey demanded.

"You tell me first."

"You know what you are?"


"You're difficult."


"You're a difficult man."


They both separated, and Poe knelt down to his droid.

"Buddy, what happened?" He asked.

"Poe, he's okay." Y/n tried to reassure.

"Half of him is missing!"

"It's not half, it's like... an eighth."

Chewie growled from the distance.

"You lightspeed skipped?" Rey asked Poe in disbelief.

"Yeah, well, I got us back here, didn't I?" He said back sassily.

Finn and Y/n rolled their eyes... here we go.

"Poe, the compressor's down!"

"Oh, I know, I was there!"

"Guys..." Y/n tried to stop them fighting.

"You can't lightspeed skip the Falcon!" Rey continued to argue.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now