Sand... Again

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It didn't take long to get to Pasaana, it was surprisingly close. They jumped out of lightspeed and looked out to the sandy planet.

"Sand... I swear, it follows me." Y/n muttered and Poe chuckled.

"You know what they say, you can't get rid of it." He joked as they landed.

"And it least this time we're not crashing in a TIE-Fighter." Finn added laughing too.

The ship was landed on the sand, and they all exited. It was hot and humid, different to the last places they've been. Being on a dessert was a change.

"You sure this is it?" Poe asked as they walked across the sand.

"These are the exact coordinates Master Luke left behind." C-3PO confirmed.

They all turned the corner and saw that they were on a cliff. They looked over the cliff and saw a mass amount of people celebrating. There was music, colours, kites and dancing. It looked amazing!

"What is this?" Poe asked in shock.

"The Aki-Aki festival of the Ancestors." Threepio exclaimed, making Poe facepalm "This celebration occurs only once every forty-two years."

"Well that's lucky." Finn said sarcastically.

"Lucky indeed! This festival is known for both its colourful kites and delectable sweets."

The five of them looked at the droid with an expression to say 'Seriously?'

But the golden droid looked behind him, thinking they were all looking at someone behind him.

Oh Threepio...

They all made their way down to the festival and walked through all of the dancing and music. The natives looked like they were having the best time. The girls couldn't stop smiling at the scene, but the boys were the opposite.

"I've never seen anything like this." Rey said over the loud music.

"I've never seen so few Wayfinders." Finn said.

"There's always random First Order patrols in crowds like these." Poe informed "Keep your heads down! Chewie!"

The Wookie tried to duck down.

"Let's split up, see what people know." Y/n said.

Chewie went with Finn, Poe went with Y/n and Rey went on her own.

"This is just... amazing." Y/n looked around in awe, everyone looked so happy, like the war wasn't even happening.

"This is one of my worst case scenarios." Poe said bluntly.

"Oh come on! Look around! This is the life I want to live!" She said looking around at the smiling children's faces "No war, no sadness... these kids live a life that not many people are living right now."

"Yeah, well if we don't find what we're looking for, they won't be living this life for much longer." He said after asking someone where they might find a way to get to Exagol.

"Poe..." Y/n sighed and took his arm before walking off "Listen."

Poe sighed and complied with his girlfriend's request. He listened...

Music and laughter. That was all he could hear.

"You see?" Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, and his hands went to her waist "These are the moments we need to treasure."

He smiled at her... how did he get so lucky. He pecked her on the lips and they continued walking across the sand.

"Find anything?" Finn asks as they meet him, Chewie, BB-8 and Threepio.

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