White And Red

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It was a plan in Y/n's head, at least. For some it may have been common sense, to others it may be genius.

The whole point was to fight for what's right.

Y/n, Poe, Rose and Finn took to the old rusted skimm speeders, bringing the attack to the AT-ATs outside, while the rest of the Resistance held to the ground invasion, inside the trenches in the salty ground.

The Resistance Pilot, including our four main characters settled themselves inside the speeders. Everyone was practically vibrating with shear energy to fight, mixed with uncertainty and fear.

"Can everyone hear me?" Y/n called through the comms, and she heard positive responses "Okay, try and stay in an even line as we roll forwards, and don't let the size of these things scare you. It's a straight course, stay on it."

"They may be bigger than us in numbers now, but they won't be soon. People are coming, we've just gotta keep going." Poe added.

"Ground forces, incoming!" The Commander on the ground said to them.

"Copy that. On our way." Poe responded, and everyone fired up their speeders.

"Godspeed rebels..." Y/n muttered, and they all launched out onto the ground.

It was a bumpy ride for sure. Every crack and crevasse they sped over, the machine rattled as if it was going to fall apart. It was unnerving, but they pressed on, seeing the salt being kicked up from their mono-ski behind them.

"Alright, listen up." Poe said "I don't like these rust buckets, and I don't like our odds but... what the hell? Just keep it tight, and don't get drawn in too close till they roll that cannon out front."

"Ground forces, lay down some fire!" Y/n called, and shots from the huge cannons outside the door to the mine started shooting at the AT-ATs.

Suddenly, TIE-Fighters came soaring over head, and they all had to break off from their formation. Some skimmers were destroyed immediately, pulling up salt and red debris from the ground, making it harder to see.

This just got a lot harder, and the AT-ATs weren't falling back.

"Rose, you got three right behind you!" Y/n called.

The woman tried to increase her speed, but they wouldn't let go of her.

"I can't lose them!" She cried.

The fighters inside the TIEs were locking onto her, but all of them were then shot out of the sky immediately.

The shadow a very familiar was seen fly across the ground, and Finn called out in joy. The Falcon was here, meaning Rey and Chewie were helping them. The so called 'piece of junk' fought off all of the TIEs so there was nearly none left. Then more came out, but Rey and Chewie just drew them away from the speeders,

"Shew drew them off! All of them!" Poe exclaimed.

"Oh, they hate Dad's ship..." Y/n smirked.

When all the TIEs were gone, the only focus now, was on the huge cannon being dragged towards them slowly.

"There it is!" Rose called "That is a big gun..."

"Okay, it's heavily armoured!" Poe warned.

"Our only shot is right down the throat." Finn said.

The cannon stopped and cemented it to the ground, and started glowing red in the centre.

"The cannon is opening, this is our chance!" Y/n cried.

But he fire from the AT-ATs increased massively. Speeder after speeder got shot down, the cries from the pilots ringing through the comms. One got shot down next to Y/n and she cried out in fright,

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