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"You've changed your hair." Han said to his wife.

"Same jacket." She replied.

"No, new jacket."

"Will you two just kiss and make up already." Y/n smiled to them. Han and Leia looked at their daughter, still not fully believing that she was alive,

"I can't count the amount of times you've told us to do that." Han said, putting his arm around her and kissing her head "I saw him, Leia... I saw our son... he was here."

"It's not him... I refuse to believe that... that... man, is my brother." Y/n gritted her teeth.

"He may not want to admit that he's family, but deep down he knows where he is from." Leia said, and pulled her husband and daughter on board with her,

"Let's go home..."

"I want to fly with Dad..." Y/n said, and Leia smiled and nodded.

Han and Y/n met Finn, Chewie and BB-8 on board the Falcon, and the girl looked around her home... it was good to be back. BB-8 saw her, and starting beeping at her surprised and questioningly,

"Whoa, whoa, slow down." Y/n tried to reassure him "Poe is okay."

The small droid started circling her in delight, beeping loudly again, and she laughed.

"We were captured by the First Order, but we escaped with Finn in a TIE-Fighter. We crashed back on Jakku and got separated from him. We got a lift back to D'Qar, eventually."

He beeped again.

"Thank you, I'm glad we're okay too... I understand why Poe is so attached to you now."

BB-8 beeped bashfully, making Y/n giggle.

"Come on, let's go find Poe."

"Poe?" Finn repeated his name when he heard them talking.

"...Come sit, I need to tell you guys some things."

After a short flight back to D'Qar, in which Han, Chewie and Finn did some serious catching up with Y/n, they made it back to base.

BB-8 immediately whizzed past Finn, and went straight for Poe. When the man climbed out of his X-WING, he looked down and saw his droid immediately, and went to say hello.

"Poe!" Y/n ran to him too, and Poe met her in the middle. He embraced her tightly,

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked, not letting her go.

"No, I'm okay." She said, and pulled away to look at him while smiling. He caught sight of the graze on her arm,

"What's this?" He asked, holding her arm gently.

"Oh it's nothing, just a graze." She dismissed it.

"No, that looks like it hurts." He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Poe I'm fine." She smiled, and he smiled back. BB-8 beeped at them, and Poe realised that he was still holding onto her, so he let go.

"T-Thanks, bud." He stuttered.

"Poe Dameron?"

Poe looked up and saw Finn, and smiled,

"Oh no..."

They jogged to each other, and met in the middle, and hugged,

"What happened?" Finn asked.

"I got thrown from the crash and woke up next to Y/n next to the ship."

"I woke up and watched the fighter sink, I thought you guys were in it!"

"BB-8 said you saved him?" Poe asked.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now