Three Stories Collide

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"So, a stormtrooper, a Jedi and who now is doing what?!" Holdo said to Poe.

The entire Resistance fleet was about to evacuate the cruiser and escape on the transports, Holdo ordering everyone around. Poe had banned from the bridge due to pulling a scene. Chairs may have been kicked.

Yeah, he wasn't having much luck either.

"They are trying to save us, this is our best chance to escape. You have to give Finn, Rose and Y/n all the time that you can." He explained to the woman.

"You have bet the survival of the Resistance on bad odds and put us all at risk!" He remarked "There's no time now. We have to get clear of the cruiser. Load the transports!"

"Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that."

Poe, Connix and other commanders all turned their guns at the Admiral, finally taking a stand against her ways.

"Vice Admiral Holdo, I am relieving you of your command for the survival of this ship, it's crew and the Resistance."

"...I hope you understand what you're doing." She didn't put up a fight.

"Yeah," Poe put his gun back in his pocket "I'm going to the bridge. If they move, stun them."

As Poe was walking down towards the main bridge, he thought about Y/n... preying that she was okay, and that he'd see her soon.

If you asked her if she was okay, she would say no.

Y/n was currently in First Order Officer uniform, and using it as a disguise to get to the main controls of the tracker on the ship. Her, Finn, Rose and the alleged Codebreaker walked down the corridors of the ship.

Finn found a trash-bin, and emptied it before putting it over BB-8, to make it look like he was a black First Order droid. BB-8 started imitating noises that mouse droids would normally sound like, trying to blend in.

They all walked through the main part of the ship, everything looking so much bigger than anticipated. Beebs bumped into a stormtrooper as Finn whispered to them all,

"Almost there."

A rapid elevator came shooting up the side of the wall, and Y/n immediately looked at it.

"Rey..." She whispered "Ben..."

Why were they here? Together? Was Master Luke with them?

So many questions flooded her mind, but she didn't have time to question them.

Finn sped up his pace, and opened a door to another corridor. BB-8 rolled out of the doorway and straight into the wall.

"So this is it, the tracker is right behind this door." Finn stated, going to a door in front of them

The prisoner looked at the controls on the side of the doorway. He pressed a button and the box fill of the wires to the door opened. He took Rose's necklace and put the pointed end of it to one of the holes.

There was a spark, and the bottom half of the box opened.

"Haysian Smelt. Best conductor." He said, and gave the necklace back to Rose. She took it slightly surprised at him while Finn and Y/n smiled " and you're welcome."

"Good time to figure out how we get back to the fleet." Y/n said to Finn.

"I know where the nearest escape pods are." He stated.

"Of course you do." Rose said.

"BB-8 tell me something good." Poe's voice came through BB-8 comms. The droid launched the communicator out of the holes under the bin, and Finn caught it in his hands

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