Christmas Movies - Zendaya

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Winter was your favorite season, mainly because Christmas was your favorite holiday, but it also meant that you could spend so much time indoors with your girlfriend. Snuggling up together by your fireplace, sharing the same blanket. Or drinking hot cocoa in bed as you watched your favorite Christmas movies. You watch a different one for every day of the month of December.

Today was the night you two watched Home Alone. You've been looking forward to this night forever, it was your all time favorite movie.

"Z! Come on! I got the movie on!" You yelled, your girlfriend was taking too long upstairs, she could hear the impatience in your tone.

Zendaya rushed downstairs, smiling teasingly at you. "I'm here, I'm here. Are you ready to get this movie night started?" She asked and sat down on the couch, you immediately crawled in her lap, your legs tangling together as you laid your head on her chest.

"Yes! Now, hit play already." You demanded in an eager tone that made Zendaya laugh, as she grabbed the remote, playing the movie. You reached behind you two, grabbing the LED remote, switching to the color blue.

"I love watching these movies with you." Zendaya whispered in your ear, clearly not paying attention to the movie as she focused her gaze on you and you only. She brushed a lock of hair out of your face as you looked up at her.

"Me too." You whispered back, Zendaya cupped your cheek, smiling down at you. You both slowly started to lean in as you quietly joked, "You're interrupting my favorite movie so hurry up and kiss me."

Zendaya chuckled at your statement, only nodding in response as she pulled your face towards hers, your lips being placed on hers as you were both captured into a slow, soft kiss.

"Mh, now we can finish the movie." The girl said to you but you had other plans now.

"No." You denied, shaking your head. She looked up at you confused. "Kissing you is the highlight of my life. We can watch movies anytime, but for now, I just want to kiss my girlfriend." You expressed and Zendaya smiled.

The movie continued to play in the background as the two of you shared soft, loving kisses all night long. Bright smiles painted itself permanently on both of your faces as this was your all time favorite moment.

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