Possesive - Natasha Romanoff

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"Okay, Y/N, work your magic." You hear Yelena say through the comms. You were on a mission to try and find a dangerous weapon, the parts were separated by men all across the club. You were accompanied by Yelena, your girlfriend, Natasha, Kate, and Kamala. Kamala was in training, so you brought her along.

"Okay, Lena." You chuckled, shaking your head to yourself. Natasha watched through the security cameras, your figure danced around people, making your way to the bar to your first target. "Where's the part?" You asked, hearing the clicking of the keys on the other side in the background.

"His right pocket of his blazer." Natasha answered. You nodded to yourself, making your way over to the tall man's you sat yourself down beside him, clearing your throat to catch the bartender's attention, but you also caught the man's attention too.

"Just a shot, please." You said to the bartender, suddenly feeling a weight over your shoulders. You looked up, seeing the man's arm draped over your shoulders.

"Let me pay for that." He muttered, you turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck, one of your hands running down his body. He smirked, thinking you would go lower but you managed to slip the weapon part out of his pocket.

"No, thanks." You hummed after a moment, pushing him aside to sit back in his chair, he looked at you stunned, you took the shot glass, gulping it down. "See ya." You waved at the man before leaving his sight line.

"Okay, Y/N, good job. Two more parts and we're good." Natasha watched you flirt with these men, jealousy and anger coursing through her veins as she clenched her jaw. Some of them were drunk, but to wasn't only the men you were flirting with that she was worrying about, it was the other people around the club that had been eyeing you since the moment you entered.


"Nice job, Y/L/N." You high fived Kate as you made your way back to the van, feeling successful from your mission. You handed the weapon parts over to Kamala, the girl putting them safely away in an evidence bag.

You looked at your girlfriend, who had been silent the entire time you returned from your mission. Yelena started the vehicle, everyone taking a seat. You made your over to Nat, going to sit next to her but she wrapped an arm around your waist, forcing you in her lap.

You looked at her shocked for a moment, but you didn't say anything, you just sat there in silence.


"What's up with you?" You asked cautiously as you watched Nat take her shirt off, changing in the locker room after coming home from your intense mission.

Natasha sighed, shutting her locker as she walked over to you. You were setting your things in your own locker, when you shut it, you saw girlfriend on the other side, grabbing your face to pull you up against her, smashing her lips on yours.

You moaned into the kiss, falling back against the lockers as Natasha pinned your waist to them, holding you still as she continued to passionately make out with you.

You pulled away, both of you panting heavily in one another's open mouths. You spoke up, in between breaths, "What was that for?"

Nat chuckled, gripping your waist tightly and firmly, it was almost in a possessive gesture. "I didn't like the fact that you had to flirt with those disgusting men." She growled in your ear, attaching her lips to your neck, beginning to give you hickey's that you know will be big and purple by tomorrow morning.

"You know I'm yours, right?" You grunted out, trying not to be so overwhelmed with how much your girlfriend was making you feel so aroused.

"Yes." Natasha husked, her teeth gently scathing your neck as she whispered, "But I need to remind you, engrave it into your brain. You understand me?" She grabbed your neck, wrapping her hand around it very lightly, not wanting to hurt you, but she knew it'd turn you on. "Time for your punishment, Detka." She grabbed you by your waist, lifting you up as she carried you upstairs.

This will be a long night filled with euphoric pleasure.

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