Special Day - Emma Myers

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"Mh." Emma hummed happily when she felt you placing kisses all over her upper torso. "Good morning to you, too." She rasped out as you kissed along her collarbone and neck before approaching her lips, pecking them in between your words.

"Happy birthday, my love." You smiled down at her, your hair falling down slightly. Emma pushed it back lovingly with a small smile on her face as well.

"Thank you, honey." She whispered as she gazed into your eyes. You pecked her lips again and before she could chase your lips for a longer one, you were rolling off of her and the bed, standing up with an excited grin. "Babe." She groaned.

You ignored her protests and yanked the blankets off. "Get up, come on, I made you breakfast." You raised your brows. Emma froze — she loved your cooking. "Let's go!" You urged her in a more of a rushing manner this time.

Finally, the brunette groaned and stumbled out of bed. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as you ran a hand through her slightly messy, short hair. You kissed her cheek to cheer her up from the early morning.

You dragged her all the way downstairs to show her the waffle line you made for her. "You get your waffles, then your toppings; I included all your favorites and some others that you might wanna try. Then you can have juice or coffee and some bacon or sausage." You explained with a smile.

"You're the best, baby." Emma hugged you from behind, stuffing her face in your neck as she squeezed your waist with her arms. You giggled in her embrace.

"I just love you." You whispered lovingly. "Now, go eat." Emma wasted no second in getting her breakfast with you accompanying her side.


After the fulfilling breakfast, you and her biked over to a small area of the park that sat beside the pond. You had a small picnic set up for her which was perfect. Emma laid down on the comfy sheet, stretching her limbs from all the tiring bike riding. You had begun to bring out a few snacks since your breakfast was big, you even handed Emma a few slices of bread to feed to the ducks that were nestled up in some bushes nearby.

"Can we keep him?" Your girlfriend suddenly asked — her eyes were locked on the tiny, green and yellow duck that was huddled in the sleeves of her sweater. You cooed at the sight, gently patting his head and kissing her cheek.

"I wish, babe, but this is his habitat." She pouted up at you, slightly disappointed. "How about you make him and we'll come back and visit him sometime?"

"I like that." She quickly smiled at your suggestion and looked down at the duck. "Mh, I'll name him..." She was a bit stunned on what to name him until he snatched a blueberry out of your hand, eating it down with happiness. "Blueberry." She giggled alongside you.

"Perfect." You smiled and both of you gently set the duck down as he waddled over to the pond to drink some water. "Happy birthday, baby." You whispered up at Emma as you watched Blueberry.

"Thank you, my future wife." She hummed in response and kissed all over your neck with a bright grin on her face.

Happy birthday, Emma <3

—————A/N:Happy birthday, Emma <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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