Home Alone - Vanessa Afton

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"Is today my shift or yours?" You asked Mike as he walked back inside the house after dropping Abby off to school.

"My shift." He answered with a grunt as he reached for his keys. He threw his security vest on. "I'm going to head out now, I'll see you tonight. You're picking up Abby right?"

You nod your head as you leaned against the door frame. "Yep, I'll get her, don't worry." Mike gave you a quick hug before making his way out the door. You watched him leave through the window safely, his car driving off into the distance. You closed the curtains and locked the doors as you felt someone's arms snaking around your waist.

"Is he gone?" Vanessa whispered in your ear. You smiled as you leaned your head back against her shoulder to look at her completely.

"Yep." You mumbled and Vanessa chuckled, grabbing your hips as she guided you over to the couch. "No funny business though, sometimes I sleep on this couch."

Vanessa smirked. "Why not? Every time you lay on it, you'll at least remember everything that we did on it."

You let out a chuckle yourself, smirking as you placed a hand on her chest. "No." You whispered and her smile dropped as she let out a groan, causing you to giggle at her sexual frustration. "Be happy I'm letting you kiss me."

Vanessa rolled her eyes playfully before leaning up, capturing your lips on hers in a searing kiss. You smiled into it, wrapping your arms around her neck. She pulled away as you whined in annoyance, her smirk widening as she lowered her lips to your neck, beginning to suck on it.

You let out a breathy moan, tilting your head back to allow her more access. "Fuck." You whispered as Vanessa smiled in satisfaction of you melting in her hands. "V."

She stopped momentarily as you lifted your shirt up and off your body, her eyes raking over every inch of your exposed skin. "Nothing more than this." You ordered while the girl shrugged her shoulders, kissing along your collarbone.

"Yes ma'am." She smirked while you chuckled, your hand going behind her head as you pulled her closer to your chest. "When do you have to pick up Abby?"

"3pm." You answered while you guided her head down your torso.

"Let's have some fun." You gave her a look, only making her pout. "Please?"

You sighed as you couldn't look away from her pleading face. You rubbed her shoulders while thinking before kissing her forehead. "Fine." An excited smile formed on Vanessa's face. "But make it quick."

"Yes ma'am." She chuckled seductively as your hand settled on the belt of her jeans.

Yes I robbed you again lol
I promise I'll get some smut chapters on this book soon

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