Theatre - Reneé Rapp

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If there was anything your girlfriend hated more in this world, was matching outfits. She despised them, didn't see a point in them but she only ever wore them for you.

Just the other day you begged her to wear this matching outfit with her that consisted of a bright pink sweater with black sweats. On the back of the pink sweater, the word Mean Girls was outlined in shiny gems that you made yourself. Even though you were with Reneé when she was filming Mean Girls the Musical, you still dragged her to your local theatre to see it all put together.

Reneé didn't particularly like it but she loved you so she did it. You grabbed her hand tightly, pulling her along with you as you purchased the snacks that you wanted right after your tickets.

"I still don't get why you want to see it in theaters if I literally brought you to set with me." The blonde complained as you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Shh." You held your finger up against your lips, shutting her up as the two of you entered the theatre. Thankfully, no one else was there.

"Where is everyone?" Reneé questioned, furrowing her brows in confusion as she looked at you, seeing a smile on your face. "Y/N/N..."

"I rented out the theatre so no one bugs you for autographs." You shrugged your shoulders casually, leading her over to your designated seats that you preferred to be in. You were a doctor which meant you made good pay plus Reneé loved to spoil you.

"You... you didn't have to do that." Your girlfriend muttered, astonished, as you handed her some popcorn when the previews began to play.

"You're right." You muffled with popcorn in your mouth. "But I wanted to so I did." Reneé smiled at your thoughtful behavior, pressing a kiss to your cheek before wrapping her arm around your shoulders as the movie began to play.

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