Spark - Daisy Johnson

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You didn't have a choice.

You were on the run, running from the police and you somehow, managed to escape them. It took you a little while, but you could finally breathe once you heard the sirens disappearing in the distance. You slumped back against the wall of a nearby alley, slipping your hood on so you can hide freely from any ongoing lookers.

Being a Hydra agent wasn't the job you had hope for as a child but now that you were one, there was no turning back. Hydra already knew everything about you, even if you wanted to run away, you couldn't.

You pulled out your wrist from your pocket, checking the time on your watch. "Where can I go?" You mumbled and suddenly, a crazy idea popped into your head.


"Daniel says there's someone looking for us." Philip Coulson entered the room, adjusting his tie as his team looked at him. "Apparently, she needs a place to stay. But, she's a hydra agent." He clicked a button on his computer, bringing up the security footage of you standing outside with the security guard. Your arms were crossed, your foot tapping impatiently against the ground. You made eye contact with the camera, tilting your head as if you knew they were watching.

"You're not going to let her in, right?" Daisy asked, angry now coursing through her body as she never took her eyes off you on the screen.

"I know you two have history..." Coulson started, giving Daisy a knowing look as he swiped the security footage away. "But she needs a place to stay."

"Do you think we can convince her to leave Hydra?" Mack asked, kindness dripping from his tongue, almost determined to help you. Coulson nodded in response to his question.

"We can try."

"This is crazy." Daisy cursed as she stormed out the room, ignoring everyone's calls for her.


"Y/N... welcome." The team stood a few feet away from you, Daisy rolling her eyes at your presence. You ignored what they said and their looks, you held your leather jacket in your arms, looking around the base.

"Mh, bigger than I thought." You muttered to yourself, finally making eye contact with Coulson who smiled sweetly at you. "Hey, Phil." You nodded, the man approaching you with his hand held out. "So formal." You took his hand in yours, shaking it firmly before taking a step back.

"So, what brings you here?" May steps forward, her voice cold but you knew she's always been like that.

"I... didn't have anywhere else to go." You whispered softly, the team's gazes turning sympathetic. "Hydra is everywhere and so are the police."

"You can stay here, for now, but don't mind us having 24/7 security on you at all times." Coulson said, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, I understand." You smile and the team all starts welcoming you a little more. All except Daisy, who's eyes never left you since you've arrived.


"You should be sleeping." Daisy leaned against the counter, watching you glimpse over your shoulder to see her, pouring yourself a drink.

"Well, I can't sleep." You sighed and gulped down your glass of water, setting it back down on the counter. You turned around, looking at Daisy. "How you been?"

"Oh, quit the act." Daisy rolled her eyes, grabbing the bottle of whiskey from the alcohol storage, sitting on the couch. You sighed again, walking over to sit next to her.

"You pushed me away Daisy, so I left, like you wanted me to." You confessed, grabbing the whiskey from her hands and setting it on the coffee table. Daisy looked at you. "Why are you so mad at me? I did what you wanted."

"I'm mad because you did leave. I don't care if that's what I wanted in the moment, in the long run, I wanted you." Daisy ran a hand through her hair, gritting those words through her teeth.

It was silent for a moment before you spoke up, "I'm sorry." You whispered and avoided her eye, beginning to play with your fingers. "I really am, Daisy, I wish I was smart enough to figure that out."

Daisy looked at you, her anger slowly disappearing as she scooted closer to you, bumping your shoulders together. "It's alright. Your still oblivious as always." She teased and you looked at her with fake offense, trying not to smile.

"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes, shoving her off of you making Daisy laugh as you stood from the couch. She was quick to grab your hand, pulling you into her lap as you gasped in surprise.

"Hi." She mumbled and stared deeply into your eyes, your Y/E/C eyes were like magnets to her, she couldn't pull away from them. And neither could you from hers.

"I'm suddenly tired." You stuttered out as you were quick to get out of her lap, Daisy giggled, standing up along with you. She tucked her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

"Well, goodnight, Y/N." She smiled, throwing you a wink before making her way out the common room with the bottle of whiskey in her hands.

You chuckled at the sight of her leaving with the alcohol. You placed your hands on your hips, shaking your head with a smile.

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