Starving - Reneé Rapp

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Warning: eating disorder

Reneé watched as you made your way downstairs, all dressed and ready for the day. "Hey, baby." She set her coffee mug down, offering you a smile.

You smiled in return, kissing her cheek. "Hey." You whispered before rushing off to the cabinet, grabbing a single granola bag. "I gotta go. I'm going for a run, I'll be back later."

"Uh, don't you want something more to eat?" Reneé asked, concern lacing her tone as she watched you grab your hat.

"Mh no." You squeaked out, shaking your head. Your girlfriend went to speak but you cut her off. "I'll see you later!" You called out and shut the door before she got a chance to say anything.


"I'm home!" You yelled out as you dropped your keys in the bowl beside the door, shutting it as you kicked your shoes off. "Babe?" You walked upstairs, seeing Reneé sitting on the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes gazing into yours. "What's... up?" You hesitantly asked.

"Let's talk." She said and those words scared you. You slowly walked towards the bed, taking a seat beside the blonde.

Reneé grabbed your hands, her eyes never leaving yours. "This morning you didn't each much, nothing but a puny granola bar. I have also noticed how you haven't been eating like you normally do, so with caution, I ask, what's going on?"

You let out a sigh, looking at ground, suddenly feeling ashamed. "I just-" You tried speaking, stopping. Reneé ran her thumb over your knuckles comfortingly. "Lately, I've grown a guilty feeling about eating. So, I just stopped eating." You muttered quietly.

Your girlfriend nodded in understanding, listening to your words closely. "I hear you, baby. You shouldn't feel guilty, okay? I know it's hard to get back to your original diet, but we'll slowly work into it, promise. I'll help you every step of the way." She promise you, causing you to smile widely.

"Thank you." You wrapped your arms around her neck. "I truly don't deserve you."

"Yes, you do. And you deserve the world too." She whispered as she smiled up at you as well, your foreheads being pushed together as your lips connected in a slow, soft kiss.

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