Perfect Girl - Elizabeth Olsen

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"Perfect, perfect girl." Lizzie sighed from behind you, wrapping her arms around you as you stood in front of the mirror, slightly admiring the outfit you had on.

"What?" You asked in a soft laugh, shaking your head at her comment.

Your girlfriend playfully rolled her eyes, grabbing your hips as she felt your curves through the silky black dress you had on. "Baby, you look beautiful. So, so very perfect."

You blushed at her words, turning around to hide your face in her chest. "Stop it." You mum led out shyly, Lizzie relishing in a chuckle. "You're making me blush."

"That's the point, my dear." She whispered in your ear, turning you back around so you could face yourself in the mirror. "Say you're perfect."

You shook your head, denying the fact and demand she gave you. Lizzie frowned, tilting her head with a stern look in her eyes. You signed, dropping your gaze to the ground.

"I'm... perfect." You mumbled, your voice was small and quiet.

Lizzie clicked her tongue to the roof of her in disappointment. "No, darling. Say it louder and prouder."

"I'm perfect." You said, your confidence boosting a little but so was your shyness with each word you said.

"Look at yourself and say it." Lizzie directed a little more gently this time. She grabbed your jaw, facing your head forward to make eye contact with your reflection. "Say it, babe."

"I'm perfect." You smiled, and the sight of your smile had Lizzie's heart fluttering.

"There we go." She smiled proudly, kissing both of your cheeks and forehead, causing you to smile even more with a more intense blush. "That's my perfect girl."

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