Date - Florence Pugh

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"Morning, birthday girl." You teased your girlfriend, who marched downstairs, her hair a mess and in desperate need of coffee.

Florence looked at you, a sarcastic smile on her face. "Oh, ha ha." She shook her head, walking towards you, kissing your forehead. "Good morning." She poured herself a cup of coffee.

You turned to her, brushing her messy hair back. "Happy birthday, baby." You whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek, causing her to smile.

Flo looked at you, sipping her coffee. "Thank you, darling." She turned her full body towards you, leaning against the counter. "Any plans for today?"

"We can do... whatever you want." You sighed out, pausing in between to sigh and wrap your arms around her neck. Flo smiled, kissing the inside of your neck before pulling away, brushing your own lock of hair back behind your ear.

"How about we go out on a date? We haven't been on one in a minute." She suggested, making you smile.

"Sounds good to me." You took her coffee out of her hand, setting it on the counter behind her, forcing her arms around your waist. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere, darling. You choose, I'm not picky." Flo mumbled, leaning up to kiss you on the lips, a lingering smile on both of your faces as you pulled away.


"Love, I can't see anything." Flo stated, you had her blindfolded, carefully guiding her out to the backyard of your hours.

"That's the point, dork." You rolled your eyes playfully with a smile, holding her hands as you guided her, it was dark outside, so it was a little hard. "Just trust me."

"I trust you with my life." Flo assured causing you to smile. "When I'm not blindfolded." Your smile dropped, shaking your head as you helped lead over to the giant sheet you had laid on the ground.

"There, you cry baby, you can take the blindfold off now." You said and Flo removed the blindfold, looking around to see the setup you had. It was a giant sheet with rose petals all around, a few candles, and a telescope.

"Don't tell me." She stated excitedly.

You giggled, nodding your head in confirmation. "Yep, we're stargazing." You squealed and Flo smiled eagerly, taking a seat next to you. "Birthday girl, gets a first look." You insisted as Flo listened, taking a peak through the telescope.

"Wow." Your girlfriend muttered, smiling uncontrollably. "This is amazing, dear." She said, pulling away to kiss your lips.

"Happy birthday." You whispered, Flo pecking all over your face.

"Indeed a happy birthday." She confirmed as she excitedly went back to looking through the telescope, your hand rubbing her shoulder as you also watched with a warm smile on your face.

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