Birthday Girl - Taylor Swift

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"Happy birthday to the most talented, most beautiful, and most caring woman in the world." You whispered in your girlfriends ear, Taylor stirred at the sound of your voice. "Come on, babe, wake up." You nudged her, a smile painting itself on your face, lighting up when Taylor spoke.

"Good morning." She rasped out and wrapped her arms around you, smiling a little when you squealed.

"It's always a good morning when I wake up beside you." You smiled, Taylor chuckled at your cheesy line, but kissed your lips regardless. "Time to get dressed, birthday girl~" You sang as you stood up from the bed, Taylor watched you dance your way out of the room.

When she was alone she laughed softly to herself. "Cutie." She mumbled under her breath before standing up and getting dressed.


"Happy birthday, Taylor!" Selena yelped from the kitchen as the party took off, it wasn't anything big but there were a lot of people here. "How's it feel to be 34?"

"Uh, I feel old." Taylor yelled over the music, smiling as you approached them with drinks in your hands.

"Wow, Y/N, you sure known how to throw a party." Selena raised her glass, smiling at you two before walking off.

"Happy birthday, Tay." You whisper in your girlfriends ear, standing on your tippy toes as your arms wrapped around her neck. Taylor wrapped an arm around your waist, gulping down the alcoholic drink in her hand.

"Thank you, pretty girl." She smiled and kissed your lips, you could taste the alcohol on her lips. "And thank you for such an amazing birthday."

"Just the best for the best." You fixed her collar, smiling as you looked up at her with heart eyes. "I love you."

"I love you more." Taylor set her cup down, wrapping the other arm around your waist as the two of you rocked back and forth to the music, the loudness of the crowd getting lost as you two just stared into each others eyes. You were all Taylor needed, and she was all you needed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR! THE QUEEN OF MUSIC!! Wow, she's 34, she definitely doesn't look it!

I did forget to mention (if you didn't notice already) but all the women in this book will be G!P, never the reader. Just wanted to make that clear to everyone.

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