Charlotte, if your fans don't mind...

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"Justin, careful," I warn as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You worry too much," he laughs and kisses my neck. "No one can see anything all the way back here."

"I hope you're right," I still try to move his arms. My stomach is still small enough to hide under a loose shirt like the one I have on but Justin keeps touching me and pulling my clothes tight so you can see the bump. I'm just to the point where I can't suck it in anymore.

"Who cares if they do see it?" Justin puts his hand right on my belly. "It can't stay a secret forever. And then what? Everyone will know I love you?" he kisses my cheek.

"Yes, wouldn't that be awful?" I laugh. I know he's right but it's hard to get myself to relax.

"The end of the world," Justin turns me so I'm facing him and leans in to kiss me. "I love today," he says when he pulls away.

"Until you see what they're saying online," I sigh.

"Stop it," Justin says. "Just be with me. Let's have a good day and just think about us."

"I know, I'm trying," I nod and try to relax. It's just hard with a team of movers walking around us, carrying out everything I own. The street is full of photographers and my yard is full of security guards.

"Maybe we should have gone on vacation while they did this," Justin can tell I'm looking at the paparazzi.

"I have school," I remind him.

"I know," Justin rubs my back. "Do you want to go inside?"

"No, let's just go to the new house," I tell him.

"Yes!" Justin is so excited it's impossible not to feel that too. "Are you sure you don't want to take one last look through?"

"We can always come back," I point out. He smiles.

"Let's go then," he takes my hand and we walk around the house to the backyard. Justin's car is parked in the weird second driveway behind my house. It's always seemed so unnecessary to me but I have to admit it's come in handy a few times.

Of course we don't actually get far before the paparazzi figure out where we are. It makes me too happy when we pull up to the gate outside our new neighborhood and they can't follow us inside.

There are more moving vans in our new driveway, unloading all the furniture we kept from Justin's house. I watch them carrying couches and tables inside and try to imagine that this is the house Justin and I will call home.

"Let's take a picture," Justin says. He grabs one of the movers and hands over his phone. I can tell he's in a good mood because it's his personal phone, not his work one, and he normally guards that thing with his life. He won't even tweet from it in case it gets hacked.

We pose for a picture together in front of our new house and Justin makes us take about 20 in different poses before he's happy. For the last one he slides his hands onto my stomach and I don't even protest. I know everyone who's here to move us had to sign papers saying they won't talk about what they did while they were working for us. It doesn't make me feel better but I know Justin feels safer that way.

"I'm a lucky guy," Justin says as he looks at the pictures. "You're so beautiful."

"Thanks," I kiss his cheek and try to peek over his arm to see his phone. "I look a lot bigger than I thought," I realize.

"You're imagining things," Justin turns to kiss me. "I love your body."

"I love that we can do this in our front yard without an audience," I tell him between kisses.

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