What did you expect, Sarah?

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I wish I had a picture of Kimber's face the first day I showed up back at Hurricane High after Thanksgiving break. Colin dropped me off, because we obviously live outside the school district, and though he's careful not to slip up and act too husband-like my appearance caused a little bit of a scene.

"Okay, we need to hear everything," Kimber dragged me into the nearest girl's room so she and the Madisons could ask all their questions.

My cover story is pretty simple - I'm living back at home with my parents but they didn't want me to change schools again. It's so boring no one questions it - of course it helped that my father had already set that up with the school so not even the principal knows any different. I'll get to finish school just like I'm supposed to and then that will be the end of living a double life.

But who could ever pay attention to school when there are more important things to think about? I never dreamed my months of living with Eliza would actually help me but now I'm so glad I spent all those hours learning how to sew and do crafts and cook. Now that I have my own house to decorate and absolutely no money to spend I find myself doing all kinds of craft projects. I may be the first person in the history of the world to turn a few dresses into curtains instead of doing it the other way around. They turn out so cute that when I Instagram a picture someone asks if I bought them at Anthropologie. That idea makes me smile every time I see them.

The way life in Copper Creek works is that everyone who lives there gives a percentage of their income to the church. The church takes that money to buy food, furniture, stuff like shampoo and soap - basically everything you might ever absolutely need in life - and then church members can go to the storehouse and "shop" for it without having to spend money. Everyone in Copper Creek gets an account and you use the credits in your account to pay for what you "buy."

Men like Colin who work for church owned businesses get more credits than people who work for regular businesses. It also means you don't get paid as much as you would to do the same job outside Copper Creek but that's why Colin has his second job. By the time we pay for our house, gas for Colin's car, and our tithing there's almost no money leftover. It's not as much fun as living with Justin and spending money like it was air but I think it's kind of fun in a different way trying to make our credits go as far as I can.

The best part though, if I'm being completely honest, is Colin. He's the best husband I could have ever imagined. Everyday I wake up so happy that I haven't just dreamed the whole thing. It feels like I'm living in a fairytale.

On the night of our wedding I, of course, had my period so we had to wait to have sex but I feel like that only made it better. We made out all the time and of course I gave him a ton of blow jobs because I felt bad we couldn't actually have sex. But about a week later my period was done and I waited up until 2 when Colin got home from work to tell him.

"How was work?" I asked him.

"Fine," he sighed. "Why are you still up?"

"I have good news," I smiled.

"It's not my baby," Colin shook his head.

"No, asshole, my period just ended," I laughed.

"Wait, it's over?" Colin's face lit up.

"Yes," I nodded. And that was all it took - Colin picked me up and carried me to our bedroom where we actually had sex in a real bed for the first time. But that wasn't the only first that night.

"You know, this is the first time I've ever actually seen you naked," Colin whispered afterward. He traced the outline of my body.

"I kind of like that," I admitted. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

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