Just let me have this, Charlotte

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"Do you wanna get ice cream?" Justin asks. We've just left the airport and I'm still trying to stop crying.

"It's not even lunchtime," I sniffle.

"Who cares?" Justin laughs.

"This isn't going to work," I huff but he stops anyway.

"You know, just because Sarah went back today doesn't mean she won't ever leave," Justin says. "It might just take some time for her to figure things out."

"There isn't time, Justin, she's going to end up with 6 kids by the time she's 20," I cross my arms.

"I somehow doubt she'll have 6 kids in 2 years," Justin grins.

"You know what I mean," I wait for him to come around and open my door.

As it turns out, I do feel better after some ice cream. I don't want to admit it but Justin's right. There's always a chance Sarah will change her mind later.

We go shopping after that and Justin doesn't seem able to stop buying baby clothes. I keep apologizing to our bodyguards because Justin doesn't want me to carry any of the bags and there are more than he can carry on his own.

"Justin, I look like a spoiled brat," I protest when he won't even let me take the smallest bag.

"No, you look like someone who's got a man who takes good care of her," he switches all the bags to one hand so he can hold my hand with the other one. "But maybe we should stop now," he sighs.

"I think we could change his outfits every hour and still never run out of clothes," I tease. Justin laughs and gives me a kiss.

"Yeah, maybe I should switch to toys," Justin teases.

We've just gotten back in his car when I get a text message from Sarah. "Here's your plot twist" it says. The next thing that pops up is a picture of her with a guy I barely recognize as my cousin Colin.

"Oh my gosh," I gasp and grab Justin's arm.

"What is it?" he pushes his sunglasses down to look at my phone.

"I don't really know," I wait for Sarah to explain. She doesn't say anything else so I text her a few question marks.

"Who is that?" Justin asks.

"Colin," I don't see Sarah typing a response. What did she do? Text me and run away from her phone?

"Why can't Sarah ever just tell the whole story?" Justin groans but he's laughing. He fastens his seat belt and starts driving home.

"I'm dying," I decide I have to just call her. She doesn't answer. "Sarah!" I whine and try calling again.

By the time we get home I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to Sarah. I'm sure she'll be annoyed that I've called like 20 times but what could she really expect? At this point I've been just staring at the picture trying to figure out what it means.

"Are you coming inside?" Justin asks, opening my door.

"Yeah," I put my phone away and let Justin help me out of the car. "Do you think she ran away?"

"I have no idea," Justin says. "Where do you want me to put all this stuff?"

"It all has to get washed," I sigh. At least baby clothes don't take up as much space as regular clothes.

"Laundry room then," Justin nods.

"Why wouldn't she just tell us she was going to leave Jonas?" I'm getting mad now. If she'd told me that instead of getting all pissed off at me I would have let it go.

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