Sarah, why does it hurt so bad?

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I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating only it's not on the nightstand. And what I thought was a nightstand is not actually a nightstand but a coffee table. I'm not completely sure where I am or what's going on but I don't have on the dress I was wearing when I got here last night and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this couch.

"Hello?" I ask after I've finally managed to reach my phone.

"Sarah, where are you?" Charlotte sounds panicked.

"Oh no," I gasp. "The baby."

"Yeah, can you come home?" Charlotte is out of breath.

"I'll be right there," I promise, jumping up. "Oh, no," I sit right back down. My head is throbbing and I'm sure I'm going to be sick.

"Can you hurry?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, I'm on the way," I insist but the room is spinning around me. What did I do last night? I hang up the phone and rub my face.

"What's going on?" I feel a hand on my back.

"My sister," I groan and turn to see Luke next to me on the couch. Oh my god. This can't be happening.

"She's having the baby?" Luke asked.

"Yes, right now," I nod. "Oh god," I look around. The room we're in is a complete mess with beer bottles and empty cups everywhere. When I look down I see that I have on Luke's shirt, my underwear, and nothing else. I need to get out of here as fast as I can.

"I can drive you," Luke offers.

"I drove," I stand up and try to find my car keys. I'm barely outside before I actually do throw up. And Luke doesn't take a hint because he's right there, holding my hair up for me. "Thanks," I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "I really have to go."

"I'll come by later," Luke promises. He moves like he wants to kiss me but I step back. "Right, okay," he nods.

"Sorry, I just," I don't know how to finish that sentence so I leave it there. I run for my car, ignoring how cold it is without my shoes or coat. Of course this is exactly when Charlotte's baby would decide to show up.

I spend the entire drive to Charlotte's house wondering exactly what happened last night. Obviously I'm hungover and apparently hooked up with Luke. But why? And how far did things go with Luke?

There are no answers for those questions by the time I let myself into Charlotte's. It's not quite 8 when I pass the clock in the kitchen. The house is quiet but I run up the stairs.

"Sarah," Charlotte gasps. I turn to see her leaning over her dresser.

"Hey," I croak and hurry to rub her back. "Are you okay?"

"It hurts," she moans.

"I know," I sigh. "Where's Justin?"

"New York," Charlotte whines. I cringe. How did I forget that? "He's not answering."

"I'll get him," I promise. "Did you call the midwife?"

"Yes, she said," Charlotte gasps again. "Call back when," she's having a contraction.

"Okay, tell me in a minute," I decide. My head is still throbbing but I ignore it and keep rubbing Charlotte's back.

"You're not wearing pants," Charlotte accuses me a minute later. She stands up all the way.

"No, I'm not," I agree. "Would you be okay if I went and got some?" I ask her.

"Sure," Charlotte nods.

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