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Boun Noppanut Guntachai, or maybe the happiest person on earth right now. He's been smiling since he read an e-mail on his phone.

"Boun" Mom says, still looking down at the register. She adjusts her glasses and looks up to his son, he's beaming. She follows his gaze, to know what he's grinning so widely at. It's nothing but a glass cabinet in the living room.

Before she could slap his head out of the daydream, Belle shouts loudly in his left ear
"PHII!! "

He stands at his feet out of fear, sees nothing but his Mom chuckle and sister laughing uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with you? "

She tries to catch her breath and sum up some words"... No.....What's..wron..g with you? "

"Haha, enough. Just go " Boun says, annoyed.

Mom shakes her head "Enough Belle. I'll talk to him"

Belle goes back upstairs. Her laughing can still be heard.

"Momm.. " he whines.

"What? What did she do? It's you who got startled by her twice and with the same trick"

" "

"Is my son this happy? " She ruffles his hair.

His anger vanishes. Boun nods and hugs her mom and she pats his head.

"Come on now, finish your food. Your sister and I have already eaten"

He nods and proceeds to eat.

He can't seem to contain his smile since he saw the job confirmation e-mail, sent by Wong entertainment corp.

Mom, when she was still in her twenties, fell in love with a man who used to be one of her customers at her bookstore. She was the one who made the first move on their father, whether it was asking to go on a date or asking for the hand in marriage. Mom and dad loved each other so much. They had each other's company to live happily with. An year after the marriage, they had Boun. They were more than happy.

Dad was an office worker. They lived in a nice house. They had everything one could wish for. And just when they thought they couldn't be happier, they were blessed with another child, Belle. It was a family of four, until his dad decided to run away from his responsibilities.................
Boun is lost in his own thoughts . He came to take a stroll after dinner and found a bench to sit by the local park, there are not much people here at this hour. He is giddy thinking about how his life is gonna be, now that he's going to work at the place he has always dreamt of working at.

His trail of thoughts stopped when he saw something suspicious happening. From what he sees, it seems like a man is trying to.........abduct! A kid!

The kid's parents are nowhere to be seen. The man is hiding his face by a black mask and cap. He is forcefully pulling the arm of the kid even when she's fighting to let go.

So like a responsible adult, he runs to save the little girl.

"Heyyyy!! " Boun shouts at the top of his lungs.

The man flinches and turns around by the sudden roar in this calm night.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? " Boun gives a chop on the abductor's hand to shun his hand away from the kid.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? " Boun crouches down and worriedly asks the kid while the masked man holds tightly to the spot where Boun hit him , trying his best not to scream in pain.

"Who are you here with? " Boun questions again, not giving a care to the man. The kid seems to be in shock as well. She stalls for a moment trying to get a hold of what's happening. She hurriedly walks past Boun then stops right in front of the masked man and holds his hand.

"Pho.. " she says looking up at the man.

Boun's eyes go wide, he stands up again.

"H...he's you father?" I'm doomed.

The girl nods. Boun is dumbfounded. His ears getting red out of embarrassment.

His eyes meet with the man who is now staring at him intently. He must be so angry right now.

"'m sorry.......I just thought...she was alone so you were pulling her no one's here at night...and you're wearing a mask too and-"

The man sighs "Alright, forget it....." he picks up the girl in his arms. He sounds calm rather than angry.

" were just trying to help, I get it"

He takes a sigh of relief "God.Thanks. And I'm really sorry I hurt your arm"

"It's fine. I'm fine. This mask, it's because I have a cold.......but I don't think if I'm ever gonna wear it again anywhere near her" he tries to make a joke to clear the air.

Boun chuckles awkwardly. The guy stares at him for half a minute.

"Can I get your name? "

"Huh? "

"Oh, that was random, right? It's just look familiar"

"I'm Boun" he smiles.

" was nice meeting you" Bingo! It's him.

"And you are? "

"I'm Warut. Do you come here often? "

"Yes. My house is just a few minutes of walk away from here"

"Cool........Anyways it's getting late, we should head home now"

The little girl waves him goodbye.

"Her name is Lia"

"Bye bye Lia"

Both of them smile at each other then take their leave.


Olivia comes out of the room after putting Lia to bed. She goes to the kitchen.

"Praew is resigning soon, isn't she? " she says while filling the glass of water.

"She is.......Oh hey, it reminds me. I met my soon to be assistant....I guess. It was most probably him, I saw his picture in the profile, Miss Praew showed me"

"Him?" She smirks "is he handsome? " they chuckle in unison.

"Hmm........He won't even recognize me, I was wearing a mask"

" had cold. You okay now? "

The topic of their conversation changes from one to another as the night falls.

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