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Time flew by fast. It's been an year since Boun started working at Wong Ent. In his previous job too, he has always been dutiful, it's the same for this job as well however he seems much more...........enthusiastic to go to work everyday. His mom and sister have also noticed it and they're happy that he's happy. Whatever must be the reason.......

"Uhhmmmm..........something's fishy here" Olivia remarks on an oddly better dressed up Prem.

"What? "

"It's rare to see you dressed up"

"Dressed up? I'm wearing normal clothes though"

Olivia eyes him from head to toe. A white knitted sweater over black shirt, black jeans and a black trench coat. Not to be ignored, the complementing necklaces and now visible ear jewelry he doesn't wear on regular basis.  "Yeahhhh! Never mind" she smirks.

"Oli, how I look? "

"You look sooo cute..........." she pinches both her cheeks, then looks at Prem"........uncle Boun will say it too"she says in a teasing manner.

"Oliiiiiiii! I've told you a hundred times since yesterday, it's noth-"

"Uhmmmm, Alright~ I got it honey.......Go now, he must be waiting " sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

"You're annoying"

"I know! thanks for the compliment" she fixes the curled up collar of his shirt.

Prem shakes his head "Thanks"

"Have fun~"

They share a good second of laugh then Prem leaves.

A few days ago, Olivia suggested him to take Lia to the amusement park . So, he asked Boun for the day he has a clear schedule and somehow ended up asking him to tag along.
There are a number of reasons he explained to Oli as to why he wants Boun to go with them. First is, Boun is like a friend now, Lia likes him, she has no trouble playing with him and vice versa, if there's any urgency to attend at work, it'll be convenient and since it's a week day he's not messing with Boun's day off either. More importantly Boun has agreed, so it's a win-win.
So, apparently, Olivia is not even a bit convinced with his reasons, she's certain that they're going on a date and she's gladly rooting for them.

Prem decided he will take his own car and pick up Boun on the way. Boun lives in the neighborhood nearest to the amusement park.

Prem slides open the window of the passenger seat.

"Uncle! " Lia calls from the back as soon as she sees Boun.

"Hii there Lia. How're you doing? "

"I'm haaapppyyy" she smiles cheerfully.

"Ohhhooo, I'm happy tooo......." he finds Prem glancing at him. ".......Hello, Mr. Warut"


"You should sit with Lia......I'll drive from now on"

...Huh!? I knew he would insist on driving........but Wouldn't this be too rude? When I asked him with the purpose of him going along for hanging my good friend not a driving aid.

He worries too much. I can tell by the look on his face "Sir, it's no trouble at all. I promise"

Did he just hear my inner thoughts? "Then....I'll just sit here as usual...." he points to the passenger seat "........Lia is good back there"


With that, they're headed to have fun at the amusement park.

The three of them have a goal to have lots of fun today. It feels as if they are hanging out with their best friends.

They took photos in the photo booth, enjoyed the rides , ate a lot and had a great day together. Luckily, today was a special event for children, a massive parade of life size mascots of cartoon characters. Lia couldn't stop giggling with excitement all day.
In the evening when they were about to leave to go home, Prem had to use the restroom. When he came back, Lia was already asleep while Boun was carrying her.
Prem dropped him to his house then drove to his own.

Late at night, Boun is sitting by the window of his room,  the side of his head pressed against the wall.
He sighs looking at the cute pictures of him, Prem and Lia on his phone "This one's cute..... this too.......he looks.....Noooo, what am I doing? "

Belle knocks on his door "Phi', I'm coming in"


"You want ice-cream? "

"Nah. I'm full"

"You're weird. Who says no to ice-cream? "

He's still swiping through the gallery on his phone.

"Hey. What're you looking at? Show me too"

"Photos from today" He hands over his phone to Belle.

"OMG, this little girl is so adorable. Your boss's daughter, right? "


"Is this why you look so giddy these days? You get to visit a bunch of good places. Your boss is so cool, I'm jealous"

"Hm....maybe. But it's not an everyday thing. Just sometimes.....and yeah, he's pretty cool"

She gives his phone back to him", now do you want ice-cream? "

"Huh? What?"

"Well, we don't have it at, we have to go out. Phi' Boun, pweasee, big bro~" She flashes her most innocent smile.

"Alright, don't make this face, you look ugly"

"Haha. Whatever! Are we going? "

" Yeah, yeah. Go get ready and meet me by the car "

She dashes out the door. Boun's phone rings. It's Prem. He instantly picks it up.


"Yes, Mr. Warut"

(I have to go to the penthouse tomorrow afternoon, right after that meeting........)

The Chairman's house. Prem always visits him alone, not even Lia has ever been there. This fact used to bother Boun, but not anymore, after that day (Lia's birthday), now that he has the idea of what's Prem going through.

( you can get off work early too)

"Got it. Thank you"

(It's alright)

"......... "


"Sir? Is there anything else? "

(Ah...Sorry. Have a good night)

(You too, Mr. Warut)

That's it!? Did he call just to say this? I'm not complaining though.

Boun shrugs it off with a smile. Then he goes out to go with Belle.

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