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Prem's relation with Zone is nowhere near how it used to be back when they were in the university. Zone did something so horrible that it changed Prem's whole perspective towards him. Before all that happened, he loved to spend time with him. Prem used to smile at his mere sight, unlike his present self who wants to avoid him at all costs, the reason, only two of them know.........

He is Prem's first crush. Although the two of them had known each other since childhood, the friendship between the two started in high school because during that time, Prem had just transferred to Zone's school.

They used to hang out almost everyday. During that time, Prem started liking him. So some of their classmates who were Zone's friend, continuously teased him sayin they were dating. They were actually only joking but Zone didn't even like them joking about him dating a boy. He hit one of them on his stomach, they started fighting. Prem saw them beating Zone. It angered him so much, he beat up the three without asking for the reason of them fighting. He at that time, saw his best friend getting hit and wanted to save him.

After graduating from high school they took admission in the same college. Prem was on cloud nine. He saw a chance of them getting together. They started meeting on a daily basis again.
Eventually, Prem proposed, Zone accepted. A few months later, Prem told him that he came out to his brother. That's when Zone started showing his true colors. He didn't ask how he reacted or was he mad instead he asked him if he told him about their relationship, of course he didn't. Prem is not a kind of person who doesn't respect an individual's privacy. Form that day on, Zone started distancing himself from Prem. He met him only when he wanted to sleep with him. Prem brushed it all aside for the sake of love.

It was supposed to be another ordinary day, when Zone broke his heart. Prem went to a party with some of his new friends. The host was a senior who was friends with Zone. Zone loved parties while Prem is nowhere near interested in going to crowded places. Zone was undoubtedly going to be found there but Prem showed up unexpectedly, because his friends dragged him. Little did he know, it was for the best . That day, he came to know the real Zone.

The whole room went silent. The sound of loud music and people chatting was left unheard the moment Prem saw Zone and a girl all over each other. They were so busy eating each other's faces off , he didn't even recognize Prem standing right in front of them, crying silently. He ran away as fast as he could, not uttering a word.

The next day, he confronted him. He still hoped that it was all a dream, that nothing of that sort happened. But the things he said were more cruel than he had ever expected. "Do you expect me to apologize. We were never in a relationship. It's not my fault that that you misunderstood. I was just having fun with you. I have a girlfriend. I'm not fucking gay like you..........perverted bastard! " These are the exact words he said that day.

Next day when he came to college, people in his department were giving him weird stares. Eventually, he found out Zone had spread words that Prem had been trying to seduce him in every possible nasty ways even when he had rejected him several times.

"What do you expect from these people! ", "......Disgusting", " I would've kept my distance if I knew", "...they want to turn literally everyone like them", ".....shameless bitch"............Not a single person was on his side except Earth, no one else was intersested in knowing the truth first before talking, so he realized it was no use defending himself.

People gossiped and made every possible remark on him, it all went cold in months, what's left was the impact of those words on Prem. He just wanted to graduate as soon as possible and be free from all these. Because even though people stopped talking about him, he had to act invisible in order to not go through the humiliation once again. He just had to endure everything on his own, he had no other choice but to go on, setting aside his pain. And due to their father's friendship, it was impossible to not interact with him once in a while. He had to prepare his heart for this, he had to stay strong. So Prem avoided him and Zone didn't try talking to him either. It was all good.

As time passed, Given his personality, he forgave Zone eventually, he had no resentment towards him and his presence didn't bother him anymore. But Zone seemed to have no intentions of letting him live in peace.

As soon as they graduated Prem was to get married , he was already dealing with so much when Zone started messing with him again. He soon started pursuing him to sleep with him, even after he too got married. He has not given up as yet.

It was clear, He neither loves his wife nor Prem. He selfishly used Prem back when he had no intention of being in a serious relationship, even now he is shamelessly wanting to repeat the same. Needless to say, his inpudence has nothing to do with his fear of people finding out about his sexuality, he is simply a jerk who has no respectibility for relationship with anyone , neither does he feel shameful or sorry for doing so.

"Hey! Ahh......Prem! " He groans seeing Prem crouching down next to him. Ready to throw another punch but stops mid-way, he realizes what he's done. Both are in shock. It was the first time he hit someone after that day in high school. Neither has Zone ever considered of a possibility of Prem hitting him.

"S-sorry" Prem stands.

Zone too stands up on his feet and furiously tries to grab him by the collar, yet, he manages to stop him by holding his wrist.

"How dare you! Fuckin'-"

"Zone.......i think you have a misunderstanding here. I dare? You do know I would've already broken your bones if I wanted to" Prem says with a blank expression. Zone backs off, he knows Prem is more capable than him in doing so.

"Why? Just....what did I say wrong? "

"Are you that dumb? You really have no conscience. You have a wife Zone, even if you don't love her atleast have some human decency"

"What?......hahah..." he snickers "....Conscience? Didn't you marry a woman too, when you're gay? How does that make you different from me? "

Prem chuckles humorlessly "You're right. I'm no different than you"

"You're gonna regret this! I'll tell the paparazzi out there, what you did back in your uni. Do you think you'll get away just like that!! " he shouts.

"Go ahead. Then we'll see who they feed on. Your lies or my money.......I'm sure you're aware who has more power here"

"T-then, Uncle-"

"Oh, right. He already knows about it.......or, are you gonna tell him about the kind of relationship we had? "

Zone's eyes go wide as he realizes he messed up big time.

"Mr........." Boun sees blood on the back of Prem's palm and Zone's bleeding nose"....Warut? "

He rushes to Prem and takes his bleeding hand in his. "Let's wash it first, then we'll go to a hospital.......also, what is going on here? "

"It's probably not mine......" he points to the blood on his hand ".....let's go home....please... "

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