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"Oli...... "

"Hmmm? " she hums while on the phone.

", the person you told me about the other day, I would like to meet him"

She gasps "'re not kidding!? Really? "


"O my god....yes! Gimme a minute. I'll call him and set up a date before you change your mind"

She talks to the guy and sets up for them to go on a blind date.

"Prem! First, please tell me how did this happen"

"Last month....I met mom.....she...uh.."

"Hm. I get what you mean" she caught on immediately at the mention of his mom.

" I decided, I should atleast try" it has been a month since he visited his mom, now, he has finally, truly made up his mind.

Oli smiles "I'm proud of you"

Prem smiles back at her and nods.

"Are you free tomorrow? "

"Um....wait, I'll ask Mr. Boun" Prem calls him and gets a green light. His schedule is clear for tomorrow.

"Good. He asked me if you are free to meet tomorrow. I sent him your number, text him"

"Hm. Fine with me"

Oli chuckles to herself "You know what I used to think? You and Boun look, literally perfect together. I thought you guys were dating behind my back I felt-" Oli realizes how Prem's expressions have changed suddenly. "What? "

"To be honest, I don't know since when did I start seeing him that way ,I actually do want to get to know him"

"That way~? You like him? "

Prem shrugs while smiling.

"Really? Then? "

"Then what? It can't happen. You know what I did back then so how-" he blurts out, not realizing he was about to spill about his drunk kiss. "No, what I mean'll feel weird ,i don't even know for what reason, besides, the most important thing is, we don't know if he likes men at all"

"You think?........uhhh.Okay. First things first, what were you about tell me? what did you do back then? "

"W-what? Nothing. What're you even talking about? "

Oli smirks. She's not buying it.

"Ohhhh, I see.......... Why do you even try lying though? You know it's not your cup of tea. Now, spill it~" her confidence makes Prem give up.

"I want to tell you, but it's just so embarrassing" he mumbles.

"But you just said, it's one of the reasons why you can't date him. I really want to know, cause I've wanted you two to be a couple since the day I saw you two together" she says with such determination.

"Wow. You're delusional" He makes the remark in disbelief.

"Uhmmm......will you tell me now, pleaseeee-" she tries to trick him into telling her with the doe eyes.

"No, but I promise I will tell you.......someday"

Oli rolls her eyes and sighs in defeat. "You promised, okay? " although she's curious, she doesn't pressure him anymore, from the way he reacts it seems like a sensitive topic for him.

He is the one I had in mind when I told mom that i have someone I wanna go out with. But the realization hit me soon, that's how I decided to let go of this thought.

I'm sure I don't like him that much but the fact that it's almost impossible for us to date, is kinda frustrating . Well, he does seem-No he is a nice person. I might not be a good judge of character, but Mr. Boun really is an easily likable person.

Why did I have to kiss him that day? Now by any chance, if I ever ask him out, my apology would seem fake. There are too many negative consequences to this.

I wonder, If he didn't work for me, if that kiss hadn't happened that day, if I was braver, then, maybe then could I have made it happen?

But it's fine as long as I'm not much into him, it doesn't hurt much. And it's not like I can confess and get it over with, because either he will politely decline, which i'm sure he will....or ther's also a high chance he'll feel uncomfortable around me from now on, obviously because i'm a man. Just because he forgave me for kissing him, doesn't mean he'll tolerate just anything. Not everyone is understanding and that's totally fine. But why would I make things worse when I can choose not to.

Perhaps that blind date would help me get over this little thing I have for him . I hope it does.

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