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"Mom!! " Prem hugs his mom as soon as he sees her.

"Oh're you? You finally got time to meet your mother? Huh? "

"I'm sorry mom~...............I'm busy these days"

"Ohhh......i was just kidding. My son works hard, I know" she ruffles his hair. " You didn't have lunch yet, did you? "


"Neither did I. Let's have lunch first, then you meet your Pho"

"But.......Pho must be waiting"

"Yeah,but.........." His mom sighs. He knows what happens whenever he is called for a meeting by his father. ".........alright. Go on then. I'm waiting for you at the table"


He stands up from the study table.

"I have got the report. The debut of the new singers is up next week, isn't it? " A new boy group is scheduled to debut next week.


"Good then. Keep it up....."

I didn't hear it wrong. Pho praised me. Is everything going to be okay now?

"......and you could see for yourself, everything's turning out to be so much better because you're obedient.......only if you were normal too, would've been perfect" he said the last sentence almost like a whisper, but loud enough so Prem could hear.

His smile drops and he's frozen up once again.

"Okay, then......I'm off to the golf course" he walks out of the room.

......he praised me just now...........however, does he really have to say this again and again? Can't he just hug me like mom, even once? It's the only thing I want to accomplish, for him to be proud of me. I wish I could see myself in his eyes as it used to be back then. He used to praise me for little things simply because I'm his son. Does he hate me that much now....?

Prem's eyes were brimming up with tears since he praised him but now the tears of joy are turned into stinging tears of hurt that he's been keeping to himself till now.

"Prem? "

He turns around to see his mom at the door, with a worried expression on her face.

"I just saw your dad going out....are you ok- Prem.....are you crying? " he hugs her tightly "Did he shout at you again? "

"No, mom.......I wish he did...".....then it wouldn't have made me greedy enough to cry thinking everything's gonna be alright.

It's the first time in years, that I cried in front of mom. I've been acting strong to not make her worry much. But it has all come to ruins, just because of those few words Pho said. Prem cried to his heart's content in his mother's arms.

" are you okay now? "


"Then..........let me get you something to eat, okay"


"Prem......."she says in a serious tone. ".....I know you'll not eat a chunk of food, instead overthink all day"

Mom......she is more worried about the differences between me and Pho than myself. It's not like she hasn't tried talking to him, they just always end up arguing, whenever she does. So I told her not to worry, that I will not give up and make him accept me on my own one day. But the circumstances have made me break my promise, I've stopped trying cause the more I try the more I appear as a nuisance in his eyes.........

"Mom....what do I do? He's my father after all. I don't care what others say about me, but Pho......"

"......I know it's difficult for you. That's why I know you have stopped persuading him to accept you......and that's totally fine, I understand. I know how much his behavior affects you..........but you have to keep living your life too or else it'll all go to waste...... "

.......I understand them both. Mom knows how much I look up to my father, so she wants him to love and accept me just as I am. She wants to see me happy. She has never once made me feel that I have done wrong by wanting to live my life being true to's the opposite with Pho, the moment he found out..... he said I should have kept my mouth shut for my whole life. It's alright cause things not always turn out the way you want. It might be difficult for him too.

".......It's true that his acceptance is important. But that's not a reason to avoid your own happiness....... "

The timing might be wrong but what I did was the right thing..........that's what mom said when I was completely regretful and dejected by Father's sudden words of hatred towards me. She told me not to not be ashamed to show my true self to the people I love, to not wear a mask of lies in front of them. Still, by the order of my father I have to hide everything from the world.......

"....So, please.......don't approach your father on that matter anymore, it only hurts you....I've seen it all, you've tried enough. Prem........the truth is that, he loves you, he is proud of you, but sadly for some reason his thoughts and opinions have over powered on his love"

The question I always wonder about is......does his son liking men can change his whole perspective towards him?

".......You're a human too. You have to live your own life. You can have hope, but you can't and shouldn't be stuck forever because of that . Okay? "

Whatever that has happened in the past few years, I can't say all that happened at that time was all right and perfect. But one thing's for sure, even if I could turn back time I'd do the same thing without hesitation.

"You believe mom right? "

Prem nods while smiling and wiping his tears. Mom pats his back.

"......While we are at it........answer me.......the reason you're not trying to date is this too? "

She's right. With already this much going on, I didn't want to date and trouble my partner apart from my concerns for Lia, I made my busy work schedule as an excuse to avoid dating.

" do you know everything without me telling? "

She chuckles "......i'm not telling you~"

"Huhh.....I feel so light in my head. I'm hungry"

".....Good. But first, one more question"

"Hmm? What is it? "

"You're gonna try dating now right? "


"Why's the hesitation. You have your mom's approval. Go meet new people. Find your husband and my Son-in-law"

"Mom...hahah......are you serious? Husband? And I haven't even started meeting people yet"

"Exactly!! That's why you should! "

"Ohka-okay. I get it. Since I am feeling so enlightened now........because of my best advisor, how can I avoid her another ultimate advice"

"Excellent!! Now that you've made your mind. I'll ask Earth to set a blind date for you"

"A-What? Wait. Since when are you so close with Earth ,my best friend, to ask him that? "

"You don't know? He's such a good kid, so we exchanged numbers..........Oh and that day he introduced me to his boyfriend too" This happened at Lia's birthday party last year.


"Indeed. So, are you up for a blind date? "

"N-no. It's not necessary. I'll get through it"

" you happen to have someone in mind? " she asks with a hopeful glisten in her eyes.

"I guess, I do?..........."

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