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Boun parks his car then walks to take the elevator, he spots the one he's been looking forward to seeing since he woke up.

Prem smiles once he notice Boun approach towards him and waves his hand. Boun does the same.

"Heyy "

"You came early today? "

"Yes. To meet you here by coincidence" he grins.

Boun has already been in a good mood from the moment he left Prem's house after being proposed. He is practically shining with the energy. Not just him Prem too. And now, their day one of dating began adorably too.

"........that's all for today. You aren't in a hurry to go home? "


"Then, let's have dinner. It's not anything big but we can have a memory of our day one"

"Sounds good..........but let me take you somewhere nice"


Boun drove them to a rooftop restaurant where there's a fair amount of people dining.

"......Since it's a weekday I didn't expect there would be much people.....I'm sorry Mr. Warut" Boun sounds indifferent. He feels bad that he brought him here, knowing well he avoids a place with lots of people, especially when it comes to eating food.

Prem catches on his mood " It's fine. Who would even write about two people dining......." he tries to lighten the mood by joking "..unless you have other plans.......haha....h..." Prem clears his throat in embarrassment when he realizes what he just said.

Boun is too stunned to say anything anymore when a waiter approaches them to show them the way to an empty table.

"'s really good" Prem says while munching on stake.

Boun glares at him with such adoration in his eyes "Glad you like it"

"You must be a regular here"

"Not exactly, I came with mom and Belle a few times"

"Belle....your sister? "

"Hm.... "

Now's my chance "Older...or younger? "

"She's seven years younger"

"I see. So, do you call all younger people by their names or just her? "

"Mostly those I am close to.......? " he questionably looks at him.

"Call me Prem.........please" Smooth.

" way. How can I-"

"C'mon Mr. Boun. It makes me feel closer to others.......and aren't we more than work associates? "

"We are....but.... "

"What about when it's just the two of us? "


"Did you say something? "


"Mr. Boun. Even in this night light, I can see your blush"

"'s just, this side of you is......really sweet"

"....Oh.....i see. Mr. Boun" Prem stutters.

"Hm-Wait. Shouldn't you call me by my name too? "

"Not at all. And you're older than me so....."

" don't remember? "

"......... "

"You've called me Boun two times already......and I liked that. Really, I don't mind"

"I did? Then it must be alright......Boun"

By now, they're both blushing while eating in a comfortable silence.

After eating, Boun came to drop Prem at his house. They step out of the car.

"I saw we're free on the weekend........if you don't have other plans, I want to take you on a date on Saturday......our first date" Prem's eyes are sparking with anticipation.

I wand to hug him " I'll be looking forward to our date"

"Good.......then I'm going in"



".......A hug? " Boun steps forward and wraps his arms around him. Prem's head on his chest, listening to his beating heart.

I could do this everyday..........for the rest of my life " Aren't you getting late? "

" more minute"

Prem wraps his arms around him as well and hugs him tightly.

Prem's phone rings. Boun tries to pull back but Prem stops him from doing so. He takes out his phone while his other hand still wraps around him.

"Hey, Oli...."

( don't want to ruin your sweet moment, but that's too long for a hug)

Prem pulls away at once and sees Oli and Lia by the window on the first floor.

"Oh......sorry. Oli saw us"

Boun chuckles " Okay, tell her I said hi. See you"


Their mom just came back from the bookstore to hear the siblings bicker. She sighs and looks at them with a face that says : I'm so done.

"What is it now? What are you fighting about? "

"Mom~ We weren't fighting" Boun assures her and smirks at Belle.

"Enough of that.........who's helping me in the kitchen today? We'll have chicken for dinner"

" I had dinner with my friend today.......I'll cook for you.........go watch TV or something" Boun turns on the TV and goes to the kitchen to make dinner.

" didn't tell him about your father, did you? " their mood gets gloomy on the mention of that man.

"No, mom. I would never"

After Belle graduated last year, she started helping her mom in the bookstore . Everything was going just as usual, when one day their father showed up at the bookstore. The so called father who abandoned his seven year son and few months old daughter and ran away shouldering all his responsibilities to his wife.

"He might look strong, but the child in him who cried day and night for his father.........'s no use talking about that man, let's focus on keeping him away from you Boun"

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