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Boun studied hard during his university days and then worked hard in his previous job for six years, and now he has finally passed the interview conducted by Wong entertainment corp.

It's his first day at work. He was too busy getting excited, he could only get a few  hours of sleep , yet woke up earlier than usual.

He's been hired as an executive assistant. Wong entertainment corp. is one the highly recognized companies. A noticable number of famous and talented entertainment artists : actors, musicians, singers are signed under this very label. It is also a music production house. Not only it is known for it's artists but is also known to provide a good working environment to the employees as well. And the best part is the salary.

He's have had six years of working experience, but still starting where you have always dreamt of working could make one feel overwhelmed.

As the elevator reaches his office floor, Boun is getting all spirited. His nervousness is fading away.

The elevator door opens. He is met with the marble floor leading to the CEO's office. At  his right there are glass windows, through which sunlight is coming through. He stops right in front of the huge door. There's a cabin possessing glass walls, right beside, which he suppose is meant for the EA, as it's the only cabin in this long hallway.

A woman comes out of the cabin when she sees Boun.

"Hello.You must be Mr. Noppanut"

"Good morning ma'am. I am Boun Noppanut Guntachai"

"I am Praew" They shake hands. "Come, join me in the cabin"

He sits on the smaller chair, Miss Praew sits in front of the computer.

"So, Mr. Guntachai......You might remember, I was one of the interviewers "

"Yes ma'am. I do"

"Right, I have already asked the questions regarding professional, I'll tell you about this setting now. I am going to hand over all the work to you in a month or so, because I'm leaving the company soon, I want you to turn out to be better than me at this work. Think of this time as your training session before handling the real deal"

"I'll do my best"

She smiles "Then, let's start with the usual schedule....." recalling something, she says "....Oh, and Mr. Chawalitrajwong is not here yet. We'll go greet him once he arrives"

His training session starts with the basics, that is memorizing the details about the company, meant to be known and commited to memory by an EA as himself.

An hour later or so, a man wearing a tuxedo passes by the cabin and enters into the office through that door.

Miss Praew notices that Boun caught a glance of him. She turns her head to her left as well.

"Mr.Warut is here"

The telephone rings.

"Good morning sir.........yes, he has.........of course" the call ends. "That was fast" she mumbles. "He's calling for you"

Well, here goes nothing. It's time to meet the boss. I just wish for the boss to be approachable and not rude............cause it might make things a bit difficult, I might be experienced in this line of work but working directly alongside the CEO and being an assistant is still new to me.

They enter the office of the CEO Prem Warut Chawalitrajwong . This one room is as big as a whole department's office. It's two sides are glass walls. The other two walls are solid and occupied by books and paintings. His desk is right at the centre of the wall where an enormous and beautiful painting is hanging behind. All in all, the interior is simple and sophisticated.

"Sir... " Miss Praew calls. He looks up at them ,closes the file in his hand and puts it on the desk, near the carved name plate.

She gestures for Boun to come forward.

"Good morning sir. I am Boun Noppanut Guntachai"

"Good morning, Mr. Boun" he says, taking off his glasses. "So, you're gonna assist me from today on. I am sure you will learn well from Miss Praew"

"Sure sir. I will do my best"


"Should I bring in your tea, sir? " Miss Praew asks.

"No. I'm fine"

"Mr. Namwirote called. He asked me about your schedule. And since it's clear for today. He asked me to tell you he's coming to meet you in the afternoon"

"Of course he called you" he chuckles.

We take our leave.

"Miss Praew. Is this Mr. Namwirote a family member" it's high time I learn about the people associated with him, as we'll definitely make contact at some point ,since I'll be assisting him from now on. It is necessary, in order for me to avoid making any mistakes.

"Do you know Earth, the actor from our company? "

There's only one actor named Earth, under this company so.... "Yes"

"It's him. Mr. Namwirote"

Oh, so that's why it sounded familiar. I'm a fan of Earth by the way.

"He is friends with him. He calls me first to make sure he is not disturbing Mr. Warut, know, boss is a busy man"

They must be really good friends.

"Alright. I'll keep this in mind"

"Good.You must. This happens often. You're soon going to talk with him ,as soon as he finds out about you being the new EA........and I am sure about that"

And just like that, his first day at work officially begins to go.

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