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"Phi'Boun........tell me, pleaseeeee. The curiosity is killing me!!" Belle whines.



"I won' do I look? "

"UgLyy! "

Boun rolls his eyes.

"Phi' atleast tell me, have I ever meet her? "

"'ve never meet HIM"

"Really? You're not fooling me right? " Boun has come out to Belle years ago, though his mom still doesn't know .


"I'm more desperate to meet him now"

"If you insist......"

Belles eyes spark.

"......he's coming to pick me up"

"See~ you should've told me from the start......but I get it, you must me shy Phi'Bounnnn" Belle wiggles her eyebrows teasingly.

Boun shakes his head. In the meantime, the bell rings.

"Is he here?......" Belle stands up slowly ".....I'm going" and runs down stairs as fast as she can before Boun could stop her.

First, he takes a final look in the mirror, then runs after Belle.

Belle opens the door to see a man standing in their garden.

"Hello" he says nervously.

"Hello~ looking for Phi'.....Phi'Boun?"


"Come in"

"No it's-"

"Prem...." Boun appears behind Belle.

Prem smiles seeing him.

" didn't have trouble finding home, did you? "

"Not at all"

"Phi' my name's Belle" Belle gives a little introduction while Boun wears his shoes.

"I'm Prem.....Nice to meet you"

"We're going"

"Bye guys. Have fun on your date"

Prem looks at Boun with a look of surprise.

After driving for half an hour, they're passing through a village.

"We're almost there. I bet you'll like that place" Prem seems so excited and full of life.
A few minutes more of driving and he's stopped the car near the hills. Prem takes out a backpack from the trunk.

"Let's go!!"

Standing before an empty grass field with almost no trees in sight, followed by a huge field of sunflowers. The flowers are flowing with the wind, blooming under the sunlight as far as the eyes can see.

"It's so.....beautiful"

"Indeed. We don't get to see much of nature in the city ,can we? So I thought it'd be great place to relax too and......."

So, that is why he told me to dress more casual.

Prem takes out a picnic blanket and lays it under the only tree in sight "'s perfect for a picnic date"

They sit down comfortably while admiring the scenic view at front.

"Na Po made the other things......I can cut the fruits for you "

"Let me help"

"No! "

"..........." Boun glances at Prem a few times then returns to looks at the field again.

"You got something to say? "

"Well, it' don't mind me telling my sister? "

"No.......why would I? It's your sister we're talking about, so I believe it's safe to tell her. You don't have to feel worried about such things, because you'll have my trust in those you do"

I'm touched.

"By the way.......does your mom know too? "


" reminds me. I've been wanting to ask you, you told me once that you want to have children in the, don't get me wrong but.......doesn't this mean you never thought about having a male partner? It confuses me so much because if that's the case why did you come out to your sister? " I didn't want to bring this up but couldn't help with my own worries. Even when, I know Boun is not the kind of person who would take something like dating so lightly. I can't help but think I somehow ruined Boun's dream of becoming a father and having an ordinary family.

Boun falls silent.

", I'm sorry, I asked such a thing without thinking. Just forget what I said-"

"It's perfectly fine, there's nothing to apologize for. Rather, I'm glad that you asked.......the thing is I've always been open to the idea of dating whoever I like, be it a man or woman. That was also the reason why I came out as bisexual to my sister years ago. Moreover, having children has nothing do with it, it was merely a wish. If I had dated a woman and married her, I wouldn't have a say if she didn't want to have children after all . In my views, In both cases, it's on a couple to decide........what I mean is , you can rest assured, I love whom I love"


"......wait-.....don't tell me, you think I don't actually like you? "

"N-no. It's not at all like that. I am sure you like me too........"

"That's enough for me"

" My mind is more at ease now, thanks to you" I regret not proposing to him sooner.

Boun gives him a reassuring smile. "I'll go get water from the car"

Boun came back with a bottle of water. They ate the lunch. After eating,they cleaned the blanket and put the empty boxes back into the bag.

" I'm sleepy" Prem says and lays down keeping his one hand below his head. "Boun..." He pats to his left on the blanket wanting Boun to lay down next to him. He does as he says.

In spite of it being a sunny day, the wind has cooled down the atmosphere. It's a perk of forest areas.

" Boun~" Prem is trying so hard to keep his eyes open, not wanting to doze off.


"I want to tell you something" he's started to sound drunk.

"I'm all ears"

"Should we come here again someday? I am already in love with this place and it's better with you....haahh.....i wonder since when I started liking you so much. It makes me so happy"

Boun moves his upper body to Prem and pecks him on the lips while his eyes are closed, then goes back to lying down again.

Prem's eyes flicker open. He tilts his head to face Boun who is smiling softly at him.

" My heart is gonna jump out..... " Boun mumbles.

Prem clasps Boun's hand in his and puts both of their hands on the left side of his own chest and asks "Like this? "

Prem dozed off just like that, with Boun's hand in his. The sunlight peeking through the leaves, the chirping birds, the slow wind which caresses their skin, they've promised themselves to hold onto this sweet memory they made with each other being here side by side.

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