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It was just another night as the three came back from their works. Mom and Belle are watching TV after dinner and Boun is lying on the sofa, about to pass out due to being tired. Boun wokes up from the daze by the sound of the doorbell.

"I'll check" he says and goes to open the door.

"Boun.........? " an older man at the door says.

It took him a minute to realize who this stranger is. "Pho? this you? "

"Long time huh? Aren't you going to invite me in? " Boun nods at him and directs him to the living room.

Boun is in a state of shock and dejection, he can't possibly believe he's seeing his dad for the first time after that day.


"Who was it? " She turns her head to see the man she's been trying to keep away from Boun. "What're you doing here?"

"Namo, I'm sorry but i couldn't keep myself from coming here"

"I told you to be away from my family! Can't you-"

"Mom, you've met him?........." tears are already flowing down from his eyes by now. "..........and why are you here? Who told you-no I brought you inside by mistake. You can go now"

"Boun! Please, please listen to me first. I promise I won't stay here a minute after that. Please"

"No. I have no need to listen to you. Go back while I'm asking respectfully"

"Th-then, we can talk outside. Please son, I'm requesting, just a minute"

Their mom knows why he is so desperate to talk to him. The man who calls himself their father knows that Boun has been an emotionally empathetic kid since childhood. He's an easy way to make his way again in their lives. This man will definitely try and manipulate him.

He won't budge if Boun doesn't agree to listen to him. Being the kind of person he is, he couldn't shout or forcefully drag him out so he agrees to listen to what he has to say.

"You have a minute! "

"Boun, i'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you. I've realized how wrong I was to do that............We can't turn back time but even if it's late, I want to be a part of my children's life "

"I've listened to you just as you said. Go"

"Boun you can't do this. I even apologised. I'm your father. It's not that hard to start over. Just forget the bad memories, it'll all be fine. Huh? "

Boun is standing still before him, wondering how shameless a person can be. He turns his back on him and begins to walk away.

"Your mom won't listen to me either. I know what I did was wrong, but I had a reason"

Boun stops in his tracks, he's had enough of his father's pointless statements.

He turns to face him. "I really hate people like you. At first I thought you were actually sorry. But listening to your nonsense, it's obvious I was totally wrong. You want to be forgiven for your own satisfaction. You don't give a damn about how we feel. You really have no shame "

"How can you say that to your own father? Of course I am sorry"

"No, you're not, Or you wouldn't be calling yourself my father"

He tries to get closer to Boun but before he could stop him, Boun walks in and closes the door to his face.

After that he did not say a word even to his mom and Belle and went to his room. The next morning too, he didn't talk about last night and went to work after eating breakfast silently. They knew how emotionally overwhelmed Boun must be feeling, so they also kept quiet.

Boun is driving to the company. His phone rings.

(Boun~ where are you?)

"I'm driving"

(Hmm.........i don't feel like going anywhere you come to the house?.........please. I wanna see you) his voice sounds like he has still in the bed.

"Sure. I'll be there in ten"

Oli was nowhere to be seen so he asked Na Po and went straight to Prem's room.

"You're still sleeping........."

Prem opens his eyes hearing Boun's voice.

"........I wasn't sleeping, just lazying off"

"You have a fever? Cold? Feeling alright? "

"No, really. Just lazying off" he sits up on the bed while his legs still in the blanket. He signals him to sit next to him. Boun goes on and sees Lia lying beside, curled like a small donut.

Now that Boun is closer Prem notices his puffed eyes.

"Boun, did you not sleep well? Your eyes look swollen"

Boun pulls him in a soft hug as his head rests on Prem's shoulder.

"Boun........" Prem caresses his back with one hand "...........are you okay? "

"I am now"

"Is everything alright? You're worrying me"

"Let's stay like this for a while. I'll tell you everything..........later. I promise"

Prem hugs him tightly.

"Pho~........." Lia flickers her eyes. Boun tries to pull away but Prem doesn't let him.


"It's fine"

She too sits up seeing a man hugging his father.

"It's Uncle Boun"

Hearing her beloved Uncle's name she joins in too. She hugs them from the side. It made Boun chuckle, he wraps his one hand around Lia too.

"This is nice........ " he murmurs. "..........but are you two gonna laze around all day?" He breaks the hug and stands up from the bed.

" That was the plan, but i guess we can watch movies all day now"

"And how is that different? "


"Lia? Where do we go? " Boun asks her but she is still in a daze because of the sleep, so she couldn't think of a place to go.

"Hey! I have an idea. How about a drive to the countryside. You know.........there? I want to show that place to Lia too. Then we'll be back by the evening"

"Perfect. Then.........I'll help Na Po while you get ready. We'll leave after we have lunch"

Boun goes out to the kitchen to help Na Po with the lunch while the two get ready. Then, after eating lunch, they went off for their planned task for the day.

They took turns on driving. The whole ride from the city to the country side they drove slowly to take in the beautiful view and on the way back home they stopped at a cliff for a while to look at the setting sun.

"Woww. It looks so perfect from here. Boun, let's take a picture" Prem takes out his phone from the pocket to take photos of themselves and the sunset.

Boun felt all of his thoughts about the interaction with his father that has been troubling him since yesterday, fading away as he admires his most beautiful and precious , the adorable smiles of the two people he has grown to love so much.

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