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Prem enters the restaurant's private cabin where the guy he was going to meet is already seated. He stands up seeing Prem and gives him a smile. Prem smiles back. Then they sit on either sides of the dinner table, facing each other.

"Hello" Prem says nervously.

"Hi. I'm Fluke"

"Prem. Nice to meet you"


"Uh....I'm sorry we had to meet here" Prem feels bad that they had to meet so secretive.

"Hey. Don't be. Olivia told me about your situation. Besides, this place is really good"

"Thanks.....Should we order? "

They ordered the food and a server came back with their food a little later. While waiting they further introduced themselves.

"So yeah. There's not much about me. Just an ordinary boring life of an office worker" Fluke shrugs nonchalantly.

"Hm.....mine is kinda similar to yours "

Fluke raises his eye brow at him "You sure? " he says sarcastically. "Olivia did not tell me everything but as much as she told me, it is far from boring"

"That I can't deny" they laugh in unison. Then they talked about this and that while eating.

Time really goes by fast when you're enjoying yourself. It's been two hours, now, is time to go back.

"I really enjoyed talking to you"

"Same here" Prem genuinely liked talking to him.

"You're really fun to talk to, no-i mean I was talking at the most part......." Fluke chuckles. ".....I would looove to meet you again" He is such a nice person.

"Of course. I was about to ask you the same thing"

"Right! forget about dating, I feel we can be really good friends"

"The blind date turned out to be successful after all"

"Absolutely! " fluke sighs "Actually, I broke up with my boyfriend of three years a few months ago, I haven't gotten over him by the way.......but now I feel like trash for doing it this way" he feels sorry for trying to use another person to get over his ex.

"Then.......i guess it makes me a trash too"

"Really? Olivia told me you were single since fore.....ver....oh, no what I mean is-" he smiles awkwardly.

"No denying it......" Prem mumbles and shakes his head "....that's right. I haven't dated in years. It's just, I.....kind someone"

" you're talking. Come on, tell me then, why are you on a date with me and not him? "

"Well, it's complicated"

"You can tell me if you're comfortable. We might come up with a solution" he shrugs.

"Trust me. We won't, I'm too pessimistic for that"

"Alright then. Let's call it a day........but promise me we'll meet again"

"Definitely! "

"Okayy, see ya"


Unfortunately, I've been invited to a wedding, the after party to be precise. And the fact that there's gonna be a huge crowd of media and some people I know, doesn't disintersests me much, I've already been used to it. I'm rather annoyed because Zone and I are going be be under the same roof once again. It's been months since I last saw him, but I'm already exhausted imagining what non sensical bullshit he's gonna spew this time.

Here he is, smiling from ear to ear seeing me. That's the most annoying smile I've ever seen.

"Mr. Boun, let's go" I successfully avoided Zone and came to congratulate the bride and groom. Zone's sister got married. My father's friend's daughter got married, so I obviously had to show up. Besides, his sister is much nicer than he is.

I should go find my father first to let him know I came, then I'll go back without wasting a second here.

Found him! "Mr. Boun, can you wait here for a while. I'll come back in a few"

As soon as Pho saw him, he began introducing him to the people he was talking to. Then he took his permission to get going.

Oh finally I-

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Prem. I was in a hurry"
Liar. He did it on purpose "It's fine" I managed to restrain myself from bursting up in front of this croed of people. I have to keep calm.

Boun saw Zone running into Prem and spill the red wine on his clothes. Prem ran to the washroom. So, he assumed he'll have to wait for a while to let him clean his shirt. What he missed seeing was, he didn't notice Zone going after Prem.

The stain won't come off. I should've worn my coat over. Uggghhhh!

"Do you need help? " Zone speaks up from behind, startling Prem.

"......No, thanks... " Prem says, trying hard to keep his cool.

"I see. Then, should I call your.....friend. What was his name again? " he's hinting at Boun.

"You don't have to know. Can you please leave? "

"Why? Didn't you miss me-"

"No. Not a bit"

"Aw. That hurt"

" When are you gonna stop bothering me? "

"Huh?.....where did you learn to talk like that? "

Prem is about to lose his temper. He just ignores him again and walks past him to go back, but Zone grabs his hand with a tight grip.

"Okay. Wait. I'll get to the point. You know how much I like you. I want you, you want me. Why don't you understand? We don't have to shout out to the world that we're in any kind of relationship. The two of us can have fun then go back to our normal lives everday, to our wives. So, let's go back to how we were-" Prem has had enough. He tries to shove his hand away.

"Oh come on......" He grabs Prem's face with his other hand, nearing him, wanting to kiss him" You used to fucking like it back then so wh-"


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