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Boun follows behind Prem. His excitement has now switched into fear of being turned down.

What if he says it was a drunk mistake......or worse, he must think I took advantage of him despite being aware of his drunk habit. What if I was being fain for nothing......i might've pushed my luck too far........

"Mr. Boun? Are you okay? You spaced out just now. That was a first" he laughs.

"........sorry.....Mr. Warut " he sounds somewhat down.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Boun. I was just joking around. Do you actually not feel okay? " he asks worriedly.

"N-no. I'm fine. What do want to talk about? " he asks. As much as he is afraid of his reaction, he is still eager to know what he has to say.

" I wanted to confirm........why did you kiss me back? "

Why did I? " can you tell me something first? "

Prem nods.

"Was it a mistake again? "

"No. I like you. I didn't do back then but not anymore....."

Listening to his confession, Boun is both shocked and elated. He never expect he could be liked by the one he has started to love so much.

".......Actually, I was only going to confess but the alcohol made me too reckless" he smiles awkwardly "So? you know my reason. What was yours? I didn't force it on you, did I? "

Boun shakes his head " It's mutual. I l-like you too"

" Seriously? Since when? "

" Close to an year.....I guess" he looks down to hide his blush.

How come I never noticed. I don't even know since when I started liking him.

"........" Boun speaks up " Now what? " he questions nervously.

" Now that we're sober, I wanted to confirm if we're on the same page........" Prem clears his throat "........would you go out with me? "

Boun nods with a radiant smile.

"Oh, now you're smiling. What were you so down about just now? "

" I was just wondering what you wanted to talk about "

I made him worry due to my past actions. Good thing I came to my senses on time or I might have lost him, I don't intend to hurt him or myself anymore.

"I apologize for worrying you. But I'm glad that happened yesterday or I might have never acknowledged about your feelings.........Were you planning on keeping it to yourself for good? "

"I was. So, Thank you. You had the courage to take a step ahead for what I couldn't" I'm so happy I could cry right now. I've been holding back my tears from falling so bad.

I am certain, I have chosen the right path " Hm! Then, let's get to know each other better. I want to like you more than I do now"

When I was in high school, I had a friend. I was pretty close to him. One thing I didn't understand back then was, I felt he was my friend but I liked him differently than other friends. When I started going to the university, I came to know what was the meaning of those different feelings towards him and that I could date men.

After that I have only dated two people; both were women. The first time I got into a relationship was when I was in college. We started out as friends, so it was easier to get along with her. One day during lunch we were talking about this and that and then I told her how I was back in high school, about the boy I liked and how I figured out that I am bisexual. She broke up with me on the spot.
We knew each other for months, I told her so nonchalantly because I wasn't expecting such a reaction from her. I wanted to know what did this fact had to do anything with us dating. And when I demanded an answer she said she is breaking up because she doesn't want to. Ever since then I am very careful about whom I tell.

Then my second relationship was with a colleague in the company i worked at before. Although, we had to great respect and understanding for each other, we had to part ways in the end. But it wasn't that hurtful because due to our busy lives we were struggling to make time for each other, for that it felt as if we were more of friends than a couple. Then we broke up on good terms, wanting to continue our friendship.

In the end, it was all for good because it led me to Mr. Warut.

I have never liked anyone this much ever, but if i'm being honest, I never got to. Maybe I've been waiting to meet him. The idea of being by his side, just feels right.

I can't help but wonder if it's a dream. Just a few days ago, I was convincing myself that it is impossible for us to date. But fortunately, we have come to this point now.

Now that I have a chance to love him, I will make sure not to disappoint him.

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