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Boun wanted to make sure Prem wasn't bleeding. So for this, as soon as they got home, he took him to the wash basin.
He gently washed off the blood on his knuckles under the running water with his thumb.

"See......Told you"

"......." Boun stares at Prem's hand in his. He's not let go, neither has Prem wean off. Boun shifts his gaze from Prem's hand to his eyes.

Why would you look at me like that?

"Mr.Warut, you said Mr. Zone was your friend, so why?......did he hit you too somewhere? "

What is the meaning of you worrying about me so much" He.....couldn't. I'm alright......"

"That's a relief"

"....and I hate Zone" he has that sour look on his face.

"Got it"

"You wouldn't ask why? "

"No. This is enough of a reason for me to not talk about him. But I'll be happy to listen if you want to share"

"Hm......" A faint smile appears on his face " can leave my hand now"

"" Boun release his hand in a flash and looks down, embarrassed.

"Should we have a drink before you go? " I don't know how it'll turn out but I am willing to risk it all , if leads me to him.

Neither of them are sober by now. Prem's alcohol tolerance is clearly low and today even Boun has drunk more his limit to hold it.

"I think we should stop drinking now, sir"

"Why? It's good, I wanted liquid courage anyway"

"Liq....uid courage.......why? "

"Well, you aren't dating anyone, Boun? "

Boun? It made Boun flushed " "

Prem slides nearer to him "Then......" He moves his face closer.

Isn't this............It can't be.....Deja vu?

"Wait...... "

"Hm? "

"Do you know what you're doing? " he asks worriedly.

"Kissing don't want to? " Prem pouts. It was enough for Boun to melt away.

"Go ahead" even when he's unaware of the consequences he'll have to deal with the next morning for this kiss, he wants to push his luck anyway. Be it for good or worst, His heart has taken over his mind.

Prem initiates the kiss. Boun places his hand on the back on his head and slowly makes Prem lie down, while still kissing him. It's sloppy due to their drunk state, but the sweet and gentle touches of their lips have made them realize they have wanted to do this longer than they have thought.

They stop. Boun lets him rest his head on his one arm while the other wraps around him to keep him close to his chest. Prem falls asleep immediately.

Is it a drunk mistake again? I dreaming?........

Oli yawns. She has just woken up. She went to Prem's room to checks if he's home. Doesn't find him there. Prem always informs her first hand if he's not going to be at home. She goes down stairs to look for him. She notices the door to study room is open.

"Oye, Prem.......when did you ge-........." all of her sleepiness is gone in a second. Her eyes go wide.......but she dare utter a word.

The two are sleeping next to each other on the carpet. Their clothes disheveled, two empty bottles of alcohol on the table..... She crouches down next to Prem.

"Prem....... " she whispers. Then shakes him to wake him up carefully not to wake Boun too. She's isn't aware what let them in this state, so she decides to ask Prem first before making assumptions.

"WH-" She puts her hand over his mouth before he could say anything. He is startled by the sudden lack of air. He opens his eyes to see Olivia pointing her finger left to him.

She removes her hand from his mouth. Prem takes the grasp on the situation.He carefully stands up and leads her out of the room.

"What was that?! Explain! "

The's no point in hiding from Olivia "We....were just too drunk.......and fell asleep and.......we kissed" He lowers his gaze to the floor in embarrassment.

Oli looks at him with a rather pitiful look in her eyes "What!? Oh my god.......are you okay? "

"Yes. I-"

" I didn't know you liked him this much"

"Huhh? " he's confused.

"I get it. You got caught up in the moment, right? It's fine......... He's a good guy he'll understand " with that she left a stunned Prem. It's funny how negatively she has perceived the situation.

Boun woke up to find himself alone in the study. He looks around to search for a certain someone.

It wasn't a dream~

He goes straight to the living room to find no one but Lia playing with her toys.

"Lia.......where's everyone? "

"Oli in kitchen"

Boun picks her up to take her with him to the kitchen too.

"Oh. Hey Boun! " Oli chirps. Apparently, Prem explained everything that happened last night. Also told her to keep quiet and not mention that topic in front of Boun before he does.

"Hey Olivia. Good morning Na Po"

"Come, sit" Oli pats on the chair next to her on the dinner table.

"Here's your hangover soup. It'll help you with the headache"

"Thank you Na Po.........I'll join you after I wash my face"

He left for the bathroom. When he came back, Prem was already seated at the table.

His ears turned red. Although he was under the influence of alcohol, he vividly remembers the moment that occured last night. Ever since he woke up the only thing on his mind is him.

"You woke up. Good morning Mr. Boun" he's beaming.

Is he actually blindingly gleaming or have I lost it finally? Oh, to have such pretty smile.

"Good morning" trying to act as normal as possible, he sits with them and goes off eating soup at once.

"Does your head hurt? Sorry, I made you drink too much last night"

"No, not at all. I'm perfectly fine...... " his face is burning up by now.

Oh come on. Get a grip! It wasn't my first time kissing someone. So, just WHY!?

After having breakfast, Boun was about to leave when Prem stopped him.

"Mr. Boun. Can we talk? "


Oli is watching them go. She is presumably happier than Prem because he has taken a step ahead in his life. He's slowly but surely giving his all to make things better for himself.

"I'm proud of you, best friend.... "

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