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"Cheers!! " Sammy chugs down the beer of glass in one go.


"I know right...." Sammy says proudly ".....this feels good. How many weeks has it been since we came out to drink? "

When Boun was leaving the building earlier today, Sammy saw him. They made plans to go to drinks tonight.

" was last month I guess"

" the way, would you like to meet someone? "

"Who? "

"He's a friend of my friend's cousin. He's single too"

"You mean, to date? "


"Um..sorry, but i can't"

"Why so? Do you like someone? "

"Yes! I was about to tell you" he says shyly.

"Oh god.....look at you. You're totally gone" Sammy comments on Boun who is now smiling from ear to ear.

"Who is? "

"Me!!" She chuckles seeing Boun breaking the character.

"Me? Well.....he does make my heart beat faster"

"Oh my goodess! Am I finally gonna see you drunk talk?" Sammy herself is tipsy by now.

"Not at all. I'm just sharing my likes to you. Should I continue? "

"Yes pleaseeeeee"

".....every time he looks at me with the beautiful eyes of his, I fall in love once again........"

"Ohh myy. Our busy Mr. Workaholic Noppanut is in loooveeee..........who's the lucky person?"

Boun shakes his head "I'm the lucky one here"

"Ohhhh.....i'm impressed. So when are you proposing? "

"I'm not"

"Huhh? What do you mean? "

"There's a reason why I can't"

"Ohh......alright. If you say so. You're smart after all. Cheers!!" Sammy doesn't try to drag the topic anymore hearing the determination in his voice.

"Thank you. I'm aware I have no future with him but......just wanted to share this with you for so long"  Boun knew Sammy would understand.

"Oh, come on. That's because I believe in you"

They clunk glasses once more then enjoyed the rest of their meal.
An hour later or so, they're pretty drunk.

"You didn't bring your car? "

"Yeah, because I knew we'd be wasted. Haha. Let me call you a taxi, then I'll go"


After sending Sammy home, Boun too got home around 11.

Aren't I pathetic? I know for sure that Mr. Warut and I have no chance to share our future as lovers and yet I crave being with him, admiring him. My heart still refuses to accept the fact.

Huhh.........I wish I could tell Sammy about him. I can't because then I'll have to explain the things I'm not supposed to tell anyone...........Come to think of it, it all started on that day, when I was given a surprise on Lia's birthday.


".....? I-"

"She's her girlfriend.........and Oli and I have divorced"

Boun's face says it all. He must be riddled with this sudden piece of information.

" you have any questions?....well, of course you do"

"You've been keeping this from the media for how long? "

"Hmmm..... you can say we planned it all from the start, so, a few days before our wedding we were drunk and told each other that we-....." Prem takes a pause to rethink on what he was about to say."'ll know eventually, for sure" his voice slowed down.

Boun nods.

"Oh, yeah! How many months has it been since you joined? "

"....five months? "

It's about time then "Every six month, you have to send XX thaousand Baht to Moon children's home. From my personal account, not the company's, it has to be confidential.......Miss Praew forgot to tell you"

"Sure sir"

"I........It's because of them....l have my daughter with me today" she adopted? Or?-It should be okay to ask since he told me willingly....right?

"......i may have a guess what you're thinking.......anyway, I'm her only parent"


Eventually I got to know under what circumstances all of that happened.
Lia was just a few  months old when her parents died in an accident. A man who works at the children's home is the brother of Miss Praew, through whom Mr.Warut got to know about Lia and adopt her. This is all I know.

It's obvious that there is more to it, I can't help being curious. I usually don't take interest in people's personal's him, I have this urge to know every part of his life. I want to know  what trobles him and what makes him smile.

I wonder if I began to like him because he kissed me that day..........but the truth is, it has nothing to do with me starting to like him. I don't know how it all happened. If it's about his looks, I have always found him that time when I first saw him all dressed up in that white suit. It was similar to how a fan admires a celebrity.

Then with time, the more I got to know what kind of a person he is, I somehow fell for him. It's not just his looks, him as a person is more attractive, admirable, beautiful, adorable.......

At that time I didn't know why it made me relieved to know that he isn't still married. But now I guess I know what these feelings, love? Do i even have to name it? It doesn't matter, cause one thing is for sure, we can never be more than in an employee-employer relationship. I have assented to this fact so that i can move on someday and during that even if he goes out with others it won't hurt me.

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