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Five years ago, it was when Prem didn't know his life is going to become rumple of circumstances which has been going on till now.

Prem had just graduated from the university. He was still in a mess due to the incident that was caused by Zone. The graduation was a escape for him from all that. Also, he was going to be the executive of Wong, which he has looked forward to.

He was the designated successor of Wong. He had just a few months left to take over the company. He wanted to clear his head from all that has happened with him before he takes the responsibility. He flew to the US in the name of a vacation.

It used be just an artist management company which was already pretty big among others. When their dad decided to retire he wanted Pruk to become the next CEO, but he had a dream to expand their business and make their name as a corporation. So he temporarily took over the work but never took the official title of the CEO. He was waiting for Prem to graduate and be ready to become the official successor. It was Prem's idea to debut idol groups too. He proposed this idea to Pruk, when he was still a student. It was certainly well-turned. So, their dad agreed to put trust in Prem as well.

Five months later, Prem returned. When he came back, he was bombed with a new information. He was going to get engaged in a few days. When he questioned his father for the reason for this sudden arrangement, He said he didn't want Prem to fall in love and marry a commoner like Pruk did. He wanted atleast his one son to strengthen their place in the business world by an arranged marriage with the other leading corporation.

Prem couldn't gather the courage to tell his dad that he is gay. But deceiving someone due to his selfishness is the last thing he'd ever do. He was not going to play with the life of the girl he was arranged to marry. He didn't want to pretend to love her when he could never do so.

He had tried to give every excuse possible to put an end to this engagement but his dad was determined to marry him to that girl. In the end, he had no other choice left than to come out.

His mother and Pruk had a positive reaction to it, also they were already against marrying him off without his approval. They thought to call off the engagement. Prem was over the moon seeing their positive reaction.
But he didn't know his father who was silent till now was fuming with anger. He gave Prem a burning slap. What he said after that was more painful to bear than the slap itself 'if I knew my son would become like this I wouldn't have let you be born'. He told him to stop being like this and marry the girl he had chosen from him. Prem rushed out from there before he could see his brother argue with their father over him.

Prem was in an agony but he had to do something before it gets worse. The day before engagement, he called her to meet him in person. She said she had something to talk about as well. The girl was Olivia. When he first saw her, she looked like she was going to cry anytime. When he confessed the truth, her reaction was completely opposite from what he had expected. A big smile appeared on her face.
How she responded was totally enexpected. She said she was forcefully being married because of the same reason Prem's dad gave; to strengthen their business, but other reason her family had was because they found out she was a lesbian.

She proposed the idea for a marriage of convenience. This way, they could live without worrying about their families finding out and if either of them dates someone they can easily hide that and live peacefully with their partners.

Prem found her idea reliable and agreed to marry her.

A few months later he had taken over the company as it's next CEO. They got married and none of the two's family found out why they were not against the marriage anymore.

A whole lot of media coverage was done in the wedding. There were cameras all over because people took interest in the life of a young CEO. It was when the reality hit Prem. He questioned his decision, did he choose the right path? Will everything be okay if he hides forever?

At first it was awkward for both of them but then after conversing for months they became friends. Now it wasn't just that they were living together out of compulsion but they actually started to like each other's company.

Prem found out Olivia was also forced to leave the studies in the beginning year of her college by her parents, before getting married.
She has been talented in painting since she was young. She had a dream to become a painter and see her paintings in an exhibition. So Prem took the responsibility for her education.

Everything was going just fine. Little did they know, their life was about to get more twisted than it already was.

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