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"Boun! "

"Hey, Sammy. Hello" Sammy is Miss Samantha. Since we meet almost everyday ,we've become friends and started talking casually too.

"Hey, you alright? Is the boss troubling you? Or-"

Her statement made Boun choke on water.

"Oh my god!? You okay? "

"..Uh......I'm fine... I'm fine" I know she didn't mean it the why I thought but...........well, it's true anyhow.

"Actually, the thing's not about me! A friend of mine asked for an advice and I don't really understand about his situation so.........can you help me? " That was smooth.....

"Uhmmmmm...........riiiight.......your friend huh? " ..........Guess not.


"Of course it is....." She smirks"......I'm all ears"

"Okay. So a few days ago my friend went to a party at night with his other..........friend. There were his old friends so he drank with them, my friend's friend drank, not my friend. He didn't drink because he was going to drive back. His friend seemed to have low tolerance for alcohol, he was drunk only by a glass of wine"

"Okay. Got it"

"Yeah, so his friend passed out in the car as soon as they got in. My friend went to drop him off at his home. They went inside his house. And then..their conversation went on a-and so the thing is....... I, no him......he just........uhh..... "

"Boun! You can tell me anything okay? " she assures him.

" m-him. He kissed my friend. No! it was a peck. Yeah so he pecked him on his lips" She seems to be in a daze. Is it because it's about two men. Did I just make a mistake?

"So what's the problem here? He must talk to him and ask if this friend likes him or something. Wait........or is it that he doesn't like that it's a man who kissed him"

I take a breath of relief. "Oh god. First of all, thank you for not judging. I was going back and forth about asking you. And, no. Him being a guy is not the problem"

" No need to thank me. I just don't find what's wrong with two people loving each other"

I'm about to tear up. The first person I shared this with is not a phobic.

She chuckles. "Come on now. Are you so moved? "

We share a grin.

"Boun.......are we still talking about a friend? " She squints her eyes at me.

"You got me"

She nods proudly.

"This reminds told me I should ask him right? "

"Yes. Over-thinking only gives you headache. Conversation is the key"

"....uhmm....yeah, I get what you're saying but the real problem starts here. I can't talk to him about this. He doesn't remember about the kiss, is a different story but..."

"Then? "

"He's married and has a kid"

"WHAT!! " she exclaims. The others at the canteen give looks to us.

"Sammy! I know. Please calm down" I say in a whisper.

"Boun! Are you mad? That guy is an asshole. You should've punched him in the face. Like what? He was flirting with you. No matter how much one drinks, it's unacceptable"

"You're right. But he-"

"Wait! You like him!? "

"N-no, it's just that, whenever I see his face, I am reminded of that moment........I-it's just...I can't even demand for an explanation"

"Oh my god, Boun. I understand. It must be getting awkward. He's such an asshole. How can someone forget things like this"

"Sammy, I don't know how to explain this but..........he's not an asshole, rather he's one of the kindest and respectful person one would know. I can't think of him as a bad person. That makes things more difficult but.......I can't help it. As far as I know him, I believe he won't do such a thing on purpose..........I just wanted to share it with someone, to ease my mind. I'm glad I did with you"

"Boun you......Never mind..........just don't put much thought to it and keep a distance from him, you'll forget about it eventually and you're always welcome" she pats the back of his hand.

Distance? From him? She's right but it's impossible to do so. It's literally my job to assist him.
It probably might not be a big deal for him. But for me, I might be overreacting, but it feels like, that kiss has halted my brain function.

(That night)

Prem dozed off as soon as they got into the car. Boun fastens the seatbelt on him.

They have reached his house. Boun parks the car in the parking shed, which is on the left side in the garden.

"Sir, please wake up, we're here"

"Huh? " he slowly opened his eyes.

"I said we're here. Can you walk? "

Boun offers him his hand to help Prem get off the car.

"Sir, are you feeling any better after the nap? "

He nods, then slowly holds the hem of Boun's jacket. He's trying so hard to keep his eyes open.

God! He looks like a kid himself right now. Haha, oh dear. I would have pinched his red cheeks by now, if he wasn't my boss.

The front door has a fingerprint lock. Prem unlocks the door and they get in. As soon as they enter the living room, he plops on the sofa and closes his eyes.

"Boun~ Mr. Boun. Are you here? " his voice sultry.

"Y-yes sir. Do you need anything? "


He sits beside him. Prem slowly opens his eyes and smiles.

"Do I look pretty? "

Huh? He's really drunk. Boun grins and says"You do"

"Uhmmmm........" he nearing my face. It's too close. Too close, it looks as if we're about to kiss.

Before Boun could process what's happening , he grabs his face and.........chuuu...... And with that, he's passes out on Boun's lap.

W-what? What did just happen? Did he.....? That was......

Sound of footsteps from upstairs is what brought Boun back to his senses.

"Prem? You back? "

He stands up carefully, to not wake Prem, placing a pillow underneath his head.

"Oh? You're Mr. Boun? "

"Yes. He........fell asleep"

"Alright. I am Olivia.........his wife"

"Oh, hello ma'am" this makes what just happened, weirder.

"Um, yeah, he drunk? "

Boun nods.

"He has low tolerance for alcohol, so he acts up sometimes.........Well, thank you Mr. Boun. I'm going to get him to bed. You're taking the car, right? "

"Yes ma'am. I'll come pick him up again tomorrow" guess the rumors are not at all true.

"Ease up. You can call me Olivia, alright? " she doesn't seem to be giving an option.

"Okay. Good night Olivia"

(Present time)

From that day on, I have not been acting like myself anymore. I try to act as normal as possible in front of him, I am successful in that but, as soon as I am out of his sight, I feel like I have been holding my breath around him............I don't even understand my own thoughts.

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