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This is wrong in every way. Because of me, he has to act like nothing has happened. Even though he doesn't say it, I can guess by his changed behavior around me, that I've made things difficult for him. It is similar to taking advantage as an authority. He is coping up only because I am his boss.
I am a coward for acting like I have forgotten that kiss and haven't even apologized thus far. I should've refused to drink with Zone, when I already know I act too emotionally expressive when I am drunk. Yet I did it again. If I had not drink that day, nothing like this would have happened. What was I even thinking!? Aghhhhhh!

Prem is sitting on sofa in the garden outside, playing with Lia, while racking his brains.

"Khun Prem. I'm leaving. My son's here"

"Okay. Bye Na Po" Prem says, smiling as always.

She comes early in the morning and leaves in the evening, after making dinner , sometimes she sleeps over. Her son drops and picks her up every day.
She's been taking care of Lia from the start. Prem is usually at the company, so she looks after her during the day.

"Lia~ what do I do now? Pho made a mistake"

Lia crawls to his lap and pats him on the chest with her small hand.

"Oww, Lia knows me so well. Pho is not sad anymore" she been doing this for a while now. She knows when I am feeling down. Whenever she sees a certain expression on my face, she pats to comfort me. Apparently, she took it from Oli.

"My baby's so smart"

I think I know what I gotta do now.

Prem calls Boun on the phone. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello, Mr. Boun"

(Hello, Mr. Warut)

"Do you have any plans for tonight? "

(Um.......No. I'll be at home)

"Then........can we meet at the park tonight? "

(Uh.....of course)

"Okay then, see you tonight" Prem hangs up.


Prem and Boun are sitting side by side.

"Sir, you didn't bring Lia with you.........I thought-"

They've met a few times in here in past months.

"Uh....yeah.... I have something to talk about with you"

"Yes?" What could it possibly be, that he came all the way here to talk. It must be urgent or he could tell me tomorrow.

"I am sure you remember the night we went to that party....."

Boun nods. He seems to have guessed what Prem is indicating to.

"I remember as well and..............I'm sorry.....I kissed was unintentional .It hit me the next day I woke up..........." Boun still doesn't look at his side. "......I really am sorry for making you uncomfortable"

"I couldn't hide it well, could I?............It's fine then, Mr. Warut, now that you have apologized-"

He sounds stiff. I guess I really screwed up this time. "I know I'm at fault. Anyone would've hated it, I understand. I am saying this as a fellow person who did something out of line, not as your boss so, You don't have to forgive me but I can assure you that this will never happen again in the future"

Prem's gaze falls to the ground.

Did I just give out a wrong expression. I did sounded a bit out of it because he shocked me by saying he remembers, so unexpectedly. "Sir. I-it's nothing like that. Of course I forgive you, there's no pressure"

"Really? "

"Yes, I get that you were drunk. It's not been long since I've been working for you but as much as I know you, I really do respect you as a person and that's why I know you didn't do it on purpose....You would never. So, please don't feel bad about yourself" .........And here, I thought, I was the only one thinking about it. Guess it wasn't unnecessary after all.

Boun gives him a reassuring smile. Prem is at lost of words.

"T-thank you" I want to believe every word he said. But the painful memories from back then keep taking over my mind. Did he not get disgusted? Did he not want to curse at me? But instead he says, he respects me!? For what?
I'm glad with just the forgiveness.

"Sir? Are you okay? "

"Uh...what? Did you say something? "

"Yes. I said, are you okay?

"Yeah, yeah. I am"

He still looks gloomy " I meant every word I said, so please don't think much about that anymore. We're cool"

"Okay" Prem nods and smiles.

"So, should we get to real business? "

Prem looks confused.

"Lia's birthday! "

"Oh, right" his eyes are suddenly beaming.

Lia is the source of making him smile, obviously. Gotta imprint on my mind. "There's only a few days left so I thought it's about time I start the prep"

" Hmm. There's eight days till her birthday"

"Could you tell me about the preferred locations ? "

"No. Did I forget to tell him? " Prem mumbles to himself but it was loud enough to be heard by Boun.

"Huh? "

"Hah. It must have slipped out my mind..........The party will be held at home. My house"


"Yeah. That's why I wasn't in a hurry. And about the guests, there won't be much people either, just a few close friends and family. We have a fair amount of time"

That's pretty cool.

"Olivia asked me to keep in mind about the theme. Last year it was........... " Prem scrolls through his phone gallery to show the photos " These are from last year"

This sure wasn't a simple birthday party, regardless of the venue or number of people.

"She looks adorable"

"Right! She does............hey, do you watch animated movies? "

"Yes. But not much. I've watched a few"

"Yea?! You might have heard of the princess, Elsa? She has powers and she wears a blue dress, like a snow princess? "

"I'm not sure....."

"Lia is obsessed with that movie these days. So, I was about we do that theme, everything blue.....and snowy? "

"It's a good idea. She would definitely like it"

"Huhh..........I only get to spend the little time with Lia when I get get off work, and almost every day, it's like..........I've lost count of how many times I have watched this movie with her while she doesn't even understand that much words as yet........" He laughs in an awe ".........I have memorized the whole movie's script by now"

He tries to make as much time for his daughter, despite being busy. "I'll keep in mind. The decoration will be done accordingly" I note the details on the notepad of my phone "....sir....Can you send me that picture of you with Lia? "

He scrolls through his gallery again.

" This one? " Prem is holding Lia in his arms, both of them smiling wide, their eyes've curved like as half moon.


"Sent! What is it for? "

"Nothing in particular. It's just too cute to not have on your phone....." Boun checks his own phone " it"

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