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I'm not looking forward to tonight because every Saturday night, my family and the Noons get together and have a big dinner at some fancy restaurant, and lucky for me, I hate brady. I don't have a problem with anyone's else except Brady.

I put those thoughts aside and get ready for dinner. The dinner starts at 9 and it's 7, it takes me forever to get ready so I get ready about 1 to 2 hours before.

I get in the showers and then get out around 7:45, which leaves me about an hour and 15 minutes, so I do my hair and makeup. For my outfit, I choose a short green dress with small black heels.

It was about 8:50 so I went downstairs and saw Bradys family and my family waiting for me. "Finally, you're down," an obnoxious voice says. "Shut up," I tell Brady.

We get in the car. I sit between Brady and Conner. I noticed that Brady kept staring at me. " Take a picture. It lasts longer," I say with an attitude. "I think will," he says as he snaps a picture and saves it. I rolled my eyes at him and went back to my phone.

We get to the restaurant. I sit next to Brady and across of my older sister.
The waiter comes up and takes our orders for our drinks. "And you?" The lady said to me "Dr pepper please" I say, then the lady asks Brady,"What she got, please? " I look at him weirdly, and he smiles back.

Throughout dinner, Brady has been staring and being nice towards me. If I'm being honest , I might have a small crush on Brady, I always thought that he would never like it, especially like that. But tonight I starting to think differently.

Once dinner was done, we drove back to my house and talked for a bit. Right when I thought Brady was being nice and maybe had a crush on me. Oh, how the tables have turned.

He started making comments like:
"Y/n, why are you so ugly?"
"Why are you annoying?"
"You do not look good in that outfit,"
And a bunch of other things till I finally snapped. "Brady, do you ever shut up about people, Honestly, I thought you were finally being nice, and I might have had a chance with you, but it would never work out.

He looked at me, and I looked at him. We just stared at each other for about another minute before..

I obviously kissed back, I put my arms around his neck, and his arms go around my waist. After about 1 minutes we pull back and hear laughing.

I see his family and my family just laughing at us. Out faces go flustered. "I thought yall hated each other, huh??"
My mom asked obnoxiously. I looked at Brady as he looked at me. "I thought we did do to," I said, and he agreed.


This is the second story so far. I hope yall like it. I tried to make it longer.  Writing is not my strong suit🥲 anyway

Love yall. Have a good day💗💗😘

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