Celebrity crush

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Brady POV

She is so pretty I said to myself as I'm watching Y/n Y/l/n live. She my celebrity crush and she really famous.

She plays in movies and TV shows like Stanger Things, the new Scream. Mostly horror movies. (I LOVE HORROR MOVIES SO MUCH)

I suddenly got the idea to ask my friend Momona, who talked to Y/n. I immediately went to our message and texted her.


Heyy I have a favor

What is it??

Could you possibly join Y/n live and ask what she thinks of me? PleaseI'll do anything🙏🏽

Yea, cause I got nothing else to do..



Right now, I'm currently living answering questions until I notice my friend Momona join and request.

I, of course, hit accept. "HII MY LOVE," I say to her. "HII BBG" (me and my friends always do this)

We both start talking and answering questions until Momona asks me, "What do you think of Brady Noon?" My stomach dropped. I had the biggest crush on him.

"O-oh umm," I start to blush and stutter over my words.

"Well, I think that he is hella fine," I say with confidence that came from nowhere...

She laughed at what I said, then read the comments and told me to check them.

I look at them and realize Brady was in the live when I said.

Everybody was going crazy and making ship names and were telling me to back of.

I noticed Brady left a comment saying, "ima be real you mad fine you too."

I start to blush like crazy and Momona is just laughing at me. I'm so embarrassed that I tell everyone that I'm ending the live.

"Umm, so unfortunately, I'm so embarrassed that I'm gonna go peace," I say as I end that live.

5 minutes after the live ended, I got a notification from Instagram.

Bradynoon has now followed you
Y/n Y/l/n has now followed you back

Hey, I think we should me up sometime maybe tomorrow??

Yea ofc that seems like fine tomorrow is good

Okk I'll come get you at 12 tomorrow. Goodnight

Okk, it seems good. Good night

Maybe this will work out in my favor

Sorry if this one is bad. I'm like half asleep, so yea.. but I hope it's good. So yea, anyways

Love yall💗💗❤️

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