Little brothers

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Pretend Brady has a younger brother who's like 6


Me and Brady were walking out to his backyard to play volleyball.

Once we made it outside, we got set up and warmed up a few serves and hits.

We then started out the first round. I served the ball towards him and hit him right in the face.

He holds his face as I said "are you okay?" between laughs.

He doesn't say anything and runs over and tackles me to the ground, but not hard.

"This is why I'm not a server." I say while giggling. "Yea, I'm in charge of that from now on," he says.

We hear the back door open and look to see Brady younger brother.

He runs towards us and starts hitting Brady.

"Get off of her, Brady!" His little brother shouts.

He complies and gets off of me. His younger brother then runs towards me and hugs me tightly.

I, of course, hug him back. I look to see Brady annoyed, rolling his eyes. He then picks the volleyball up and throws it at him.

Bradys younger brother starts to cry and holds on to me tighter. I look up and glare at Brady for what he did.

"That was childish," I mouthed to him. He rolled his eyes. He walked around me to see his brothers face.

I then hear Brady younger brother whisper, "She's mine girlfriend now," to Brady.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've honestly been lazy, and I still gotta a paper due in Spanish.

If yall have any requests, I'll try to work on them as soon as I can. Anyways

Love yall💗💗❤️

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