Enemies? 2

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This is not a part 2. I couldn't think of a different name, so I call it 2...


I had to wake up at 6 in the morning today for a volleyball game against our rival team.  When I got there, I saw my team and the rivalry warming up.

I ran to go put my stuff up, then immediately ran out, joining stretches. In the middle of stretching and talking, I hear snickering coming from the other side.

I looked over and noticed it's Brady. I literally hate him so much. He gets on my nerves.

I choose to ignore him and continue doing what I'm doing.

I hear him talk about how we suck and how I shouldn't be able to play.

He got on my last nerve as I snapped at him. "Shut up, Brady," I say aggressively. He just laughs back in return.

As we finish warm up, he walks over to me and Amelia. (I just thought of a name)
"Whats up losers" he says to us. "What do you want now?" I say with an attitude.

"Woah chill, I didn't mean to come off as rude. I just wanted to say that yall are going down, " he says. I was about to tell him off before Amelia pulled me away.

I heard faint laughs and words coming from then. I was so mad. Maybe it will help for today.

Time skip

I ended up losing against Bradys' team. We did win against the other teams, though, which is better than none.

As I walk to get my stuff, I get pulled into a closet.

I look to see who it was, and it was Brady. Out of everyone, it's Brady. "What do you want?" I say as I roll my eyes.

"Look, I just wanted to say good job on your game today. You did good." I look at him for a few seconds, confused.

Doesn't he hate me or something. I thought we were enemies.

"Umm, thanks, I guess. You did good too," I say back.

"Look, I gotta go, I'll see you later?" He says. "Yea sure," I say as I look up at him. He leans down and kisses my cheek as he walks out.

I just stand there, flabbergast. I thought we were enemies, I guess not.

I could get used to this.

I had no idea what to write or how to write this story. I literally can not think of anything. I hope yall enjoy this story.

Love yall💗💗😘

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