Good Parents

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I'm getting bored of babysitting my niece, so I decide to text Brady.


Hey love, do you want to go to the park with me and my niece?

Yea, of course, how old is she and what time?

She's 8 about at 1:00

Okk I'll be over in 15

I decided to change into something a bit nicer. (Feel free to change)

The outfit:

I told Brady that I was ready

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I told Brady that I was ready. He texted back, saying he was around the corner.

While I was getting ready, I told my niece about Brady. I then picked her up and took her out to the car.

I saw Brady and opened the back seat. I put her in the and buckled her seat belt.

I shut the door and get in myself. When I sit down, I hear Brady talking to her.

"So, who's this adorable girl?" He says, smiling at her. She giggles in response.

"Baby, say your name is N/n," I tell her. She tells him and asks for my phone.

I give her it as she starts to play. On the way to the park, we stopped by Starbucks. (Love this place)

Me and Brady talk until we get there.

We get out, and I get my neice. I pick her up. "Can I hold her?" Brady asks.

"Yea, of course," I say as I hand her to him.

We walk to the park. And let her run off, but still in our view. After playing for about 20 minutes, she got bored and ran over to us.

I gave her a snack as I picked her up in my lap. We were just talking and playing with her, and she was giggling in response.

"Yall are such cute and good parents," some lady says to us.

"Oh, we're not -" I get cut off by Brady saying, "Oh thanks, we try really hard for our little girl."

The women just smile and walk off. I looked at him and shoved his arm. "What was that?" I ask, trying not to blush.

"Oh come on, you knew that you wanted to say that," he said, laughing. I just look at him.

I was about to get up when I here Brady say "I seen you blushing too" I just roll my eyes and we walk back to the car.

I really hope this will be us in the future.


Love yall 💗💗❤️

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