My neice

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I decided to get ready before Brady came over to have a family dinner. Brady was really excited cause he got to see my niece.

He loves her so much. I think he loves her more than me, to be honest.

I do know one thing, though, and that is that she has a crush on him. When Brady dropped us off one day. She told me how she thought Brady was cute.

From that day on, she continued to ask about her, and every time, he was over to keep him away from me.

One time he kissed me in front of her and she got all upset about how thar was her boyfriend not mine.

I was scrolling through tik tok cause I got distracted. I noticed the time and ran to my closet to choose a nice outfit.

I found one that would do.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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(Feel free to change and leave any inspo if you like)

I changed into. As I was putting on my shoes, I heard the doorbell ring.

I tied my shoes and ran down the stairs. I saw Bradys family walk in talking to my parents.

Brady saw me and ran up the stairs. He picked me up and took me to my room.

He then threw me on my bed and kissed all over my face. "Okay, Brady," I say in between kisses.

He stopped kissing my face and buried his face in my neck. "I haven't seen you. I'm like 2 days," he mumbles.

He's not wrong. We haven't seen each other in a while. "I know," I say, playing with his hair.

We stayed like that for a while. Until we heard my door open. I looked over while Brady stayed put.

"Y/n grandma said that the food is done." My neice says.

"Okk, we'll be down in a minute."
I tell her, trying to get Brady off of me. She was starting to walk away when she noticed it was Brady on top of me.

She ran up towards my bed and climbed on top of Brady.

Brady sat up, hugging her. "How have you been?" Brady asks her.

"I'm good," she tells Brady, letting go. "Will you sit next to me at dinner and play with me after?" She asks, giving him puppy eyes.

"Of course," he tells her.

We all got up and walked down the stairs. I saw everyone sat already, so I took a seat.

Brady and my neice of course sat together.

Time skip to after dinner.

After dinner, I was gonna ask Brady if he wanted to sleep over. I didn't get any time to, though, because after dinner, she dragged him up the stairs to play with her.

I helped with putting dinner up and walked up the stairs. I walked to the playroom we had for her and saw Brady sitting at a kids' table. I giggled at the sight, which cause them to look.

"What are you doing?" My neice asked me. "Can I play with yall?" I ask her.

She looks like she gonna say no but gives in. "Okk you can be the waitress," she tells me.

"Okk," I say as I walk in. "Me and Brady are gonna be on a date," she says, sitting down.

I looked at Brady, and he looked at me. I just went on to the game doing and saying whatever she wanted me to do.

Another time skip cause I'm lazy😛😛

We finally finished the game we were playing. We decided to start cleaning. As we were doing so, I asked Brady if he wanted to stay over tonight.

"Yealet me tell my parents, I'm sure they won't mind though," he said, standing up straight.

"Heyy I want to stay over," my neice says in a whiny voice. "I don't know. You might have to ask your mom," I tell her.

"Okk" is all I hear before she runs out the door. Brady texted his parents, and they, of course, said yes.

When we're walking down the stairs, we see all the families saying their goodbyes.

I went to tell Brady and my brothers family. Bye.

I saw my neice pouting on the couch. "Heyy what's wrong?" I ask her.

"Mom won't let me sleep over with yall," she says.

"Aww, I'm sorry, baby," I tell her. "Maybe another day, ok?" I ask her.
She continues to pout "no I want to do it now." She kind of says that part loud.

Her mom looks over and walks over.
"Baby, I told you no because they need time together. you're always with them," she tells her.

She then starts crying and throwing a fit. Her mom takes her outside to talk to her.

Me and Brady wait for her to come back to tell her bye.

She comes back inside and apologizes to us. We told her that it's okay and we could hang out another day.

When everyone was leaving. Brady gave me a kiss on my lips. We looked down to see my neice pulling us apart. "No kissing while I'm gone," she says.

I giggle at her. Brady picks her up and gives her a kiss on her nose. She blushed and ran towards her mom. We all laughed and said our goodbyes.

Me and Brady walked up to my room and got changed. "I kinda wish she could've stayed," Brady spoke up. "Yea no I'm almost lost you to a 7 year old." I tell him

"You'll never lose me," he said, pulling me closer and soon drifting to sleep.

I really don't like this one. I feel like I could make it better, so I might rewrite unless yall like it. Anyways

Love yall💗💗❤️

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