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I was laying on Bradys bed reading wattpad.

The stories honestly had me blushing and kicking my feet.
(literally me)

In the middle of reading one, I heard the door open. I ignored it and went back to reading.

I felt the bed dip beside me and look over to see Brady.

"Hii baby," he says, kissing my forehead. "Hii," I say, looking at my phone again.

"Whatcha doing??" He asks me. "Just reading," I say to focus on the story.

He grabs my phone and starts reading it. He looked at the title and said "hey that's my name." He lauging a bit.

"Look, that's also my name," Brady says. He looks at the cover and then realizes that it's about him. "Bro, that's crazy it's me on the cover,"

He looks at me as he says "wait is this about me??" He says it in a confused tone.

He looks at the blush on my face. "Wait, are you embarrassed?" he asks me.

I cover my face and shake my head yes. He laughs a bit and moves my hands.

He kissed my nose and says "don't be embarrassed it's kinda cute," he says.

I look at him. I see him smiling. I smile back at him. He hands me my phone back and starts to stand up.

He walks towards the door and opens it. "To be honest, I feel kinda honored," he says.

I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him. He dodges it, by running and shutting the door.

I turn back around, going to read more stories.

I'm going to try to update as much as I can today cause I skipped school. I'm like so excited because my birthday is on February 1st, and that's the day I have a color guard performance, so yea. Requests are always open, so please leave any ideas. Anyways

Love yall💗💗❤️

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