Studies📖 2

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This is a pt 2 to studies.


Next week rolled around, and with my luck, Brady remembered about the studying he said we do.

It was currently after school and we were supposed to meet in the library.

As I'm walking, I feel hands snake around my waist. I turn to see Brady smiling. "Hii baby," he said while kissing my cheek.

"Hii," I say as we walk in the library. We found a table to sit at.

"I'll go get the books you get work," Brady says as he leaves. I get the work out of my bag.
I'm literally dreading this right now.

He comes back 3 minutes later. We start to work on math because that's what I'm currently struggling with.

Time skip to the middle of the work cause I'm lazy😜😜

After working for about 20 minutes, I'm already frustrated. "I hate this so much," I say. Brady just laughs at me (fake🙄)

"Ima go to the bathroom," I say for a chance to escape. I walk, go to the bathroom, and do my business.

As I'm walking out, I see Brady looking for me. I decided to just leave him there and walk home.

Once I finally make it to the door, I feel hands snatch me back to the chair. I look up and see Brady dragging me.

Brady whispered in my "sit down now and do your work," he said with a stern voice.

I start to get flustered. This is the second time he's acted like this.

"O-ok," I say.

Another time skip cause I'm lazy😜😜😛

After what feels like a lifetime, I finally finished. "See princess, it wasn't that hard," he said in my ear while his hand was gripping my thigh.

I never blushed so hard in my entire life. "Shut up," I say, flustered. "Ima put these books up, stay here okay?" He said. "Ok," I tell him.

He gets back, and we start to walk out of the library.

"You did good for me," he said. "Thanks," I say back, happy that we're leaving. I give him a kiss.

When I thought we were done, he pulled back in for more. After about 5 minutes, we pull apart.

"That's your reward," he said as we walked off.

"If that is my reward every time... I can't wait for studying, " I yelled, running towards him.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
I honestly have no idea what to write about. Also, I feel like a lot of people haven't updated, but I hope yall like it.

Love yall💗💗❤️

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