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Brady POV

This morning, I texted Y/n and asked if she wanted to play some volleyball with me.


Hey baby, do you want to play some volleyball w me??

Yea Ofc, I'm getting ready rn

When I found out she's getting ready, I started to get ready as well.


Brady texted me this morning asking to play volleyball. I said, of course, because I love volleyball as well.

I started to get and brush my teeth and did my skin care.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and got ready.



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I text Brady telling him I'm ready. Before he came, I packed my bag with knee pads, water, and snacks and little extra stuff.

By the time I was finished, Brady got here. I ran to the car and got in.

"Hey love," he said, reaching over, kissing my nose. "Hii," I say to him, giggling.

We talked for a while until we went there. We got our stuff and walked to the gym. Nobody's here, great.

I do my regular stretches, and then we warm up. We play a few rounds until Brady helps me with my serve because it sucks. (Felt that✊🏽)

When I think I finally got the hang out it. I get excited and ask Brady if it was good. He didn't say anything and just stared down.

"BRADY!" I yell to get his attention. "Huh?" He says, still looking. "Did you see my serve?" I ask. "To be honest, no..." "Why?" I ask him upset.

"Because this." he walks over and pulls down my shorts a bit. "Your ass was hanging out.."he says, laughing. " I just roll my eyes at his obnoxious behavior.

I do the serve, and he tells me that I am doing it right. I get happy and keep on doing it until it is perfectly.

After what feels like 5 million tries. Brady runs over and spins like a princess and tells me how proud he is that I got it.

I start smiling like an idiot. (how I literally feel rn😃)

After a few rounds of playing, we get tried and get our stuff to leave. I start walking with Brady behind me until I feel some hands touch my ass.

I look to see Brady pulling down shorts again. I roll my eyes at him as he says, "what?, I don't want people looking at what's mine."

I laughed and hugged him as I gave him a kiss.

As we're walking out, I feel hands slither down to my butt I look to see Brady look at me like an idiot
(Brady rn😃)

We get in the car, and we decide that we're gonna do this next week. I give him a kiss and then get out

As I'm walking, I hear Brady yell, "DON'T FORGET TO PULL YOUR SHORTS DOWN." I laughed and pulled them down.

I walk inside. I think volleyball is gonna be fun from now on.


I literally wrote this in a rush, but I hope yall like it. My request will always be open, so yea.

I'm gonna write this again, but would yall read a Mason Thames and Miguel Mora imagine thingy??


Love yall💗💗❤️

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