Jealousy- Noon twins

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This morning, I woke up to a text from Brady asking if I wanted to go shopping with him and Connor.

I texted "yea sure what time?" He told me at about "12:00" I left him on read and got ready cause it was 10.

I got in the shower and did everything I needed.

I put on my robe and did my skin care. After that, I did my hair and left it down.

I changed into my outfit and did my makeup. (If you don't like the outfit, you can change it)

The outfit:

The outfit:

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Once I was notI texted Brady to let him know. I watched tik tok for a while until I got a message saying he was here.

I ran out and got in the back. "Hii guys," I say to both of them. "Heyy Y/n Brady says. "Hey, you look nice today," Conner says.

I giggled and said "thanks not so bad yourself." I looked at Brady and noticed he had like a disgusted look on his face

I didn't think about it and continue in the car ride.

Time skip to when they get to the mall-----------------------------------------

We get out of the car and walk in. "Soo, where do you want to go?" Conner asks.

I immediately see Sephora. I take both of their hands and turn to see them blushing.

We get in, and I get a new toner and Rare Beauty blush and a new Sol de Janeiro perfume number 62. (I literally love this one, and I ran out😭)

We go to the checkout, and I get out my card as Brady says, "I'll pay for it." I didn't reject it because I knew I wouldn't win, and also, it's free now.

"Oh, thanks," I say. I turn to Conner and see him roll his eyes. "Hey ima go to another store. You and Brady stay together,"

"Okk," I say. I figured he was gonna go get something for himself.

"Where did Conner go?" Brady asks.
"Oh, he went to another store and told us to stay together," I tell him. "Ok," Brady says as he lightens up.

Me and Brady go to more stored until Conner comes and hands me something

"Hey, I got this for you," he says. I reached and noticed it was the dress that I really wanted to get last week when we went.

"OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH." I hug him really tightly.

I hear a sigh and hear it comes from Brady. Honestly, I've been confused because every time something nice happens, one of them gets mad like a girl?

Another time, skip because I lazy😜😜😛

Throughout this entire trip, they both do nice stuff, and honestly, as much as I love the things there buying and getting me, I'm getting annoyed of them being jealous of each other.

At one point, I got them arguing. I get in the middle and tell them to stop. (Not trying to be that one girl in those movies😭)

"Look I tired can we just leave?" I say. They don't say anything and walk towards the exit.

The entire car ride home it was silent. Conner was driving this time, so yea.

When I got to my house I couldn't carry all my bags. "I'll help," Brady says.

"Okk, thanks," and we grab my bags inside. I was kinda happy it was Brady because I might have a small crush on him.

As we got inside, I thanked Brady for all the. I tell Brady to thank Conner for me since I forgot.

"Thanks for all the gifts. I didn't need all of them, though," I say. "No problem," Brady says. "I don't mind buying pretty girls' gifts," I started to blush.

"Well, I better get going," Brady says as he walks away. "Brady, wait. I run towards him and give him a kiss on the cheek. (THE FACE CHEEKS) "Now who the one blushing now?" I teased.

He rolls his eyes and smiles as he walks out. Today ended well.


Also, would yall read a Mason thames and Miguel mora imagine thing?? Anyways

Love yall💗💗❤️

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